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Clear colonoscopy????

Sun, March 01, 2020 8:24 AM

Hi, I've been suffering with severe symptoms of UC since October 2019. I go to the toilet 10+ times a day with blood and mucus at times. I have been admitted into hospital twice with severe pain and my fatigue is ridiculous. I have had my colonoscopy and biopsies taken but they have come back clear? I wondered if anyone else had had false results? My doctor has prescribed me steroid foam and steroids and they seem to be helping but I don't understand the clear results? Any advice would be great please? 

FPO bekp82
Joined Mar 1, 2020

Thu, May 28, 2020 10:39 AM

Reply posted for bekp82.

I'm in a similar boat. Just had a colonoscopy and the GI found "mild inflammation." I haven't gotten the biopsy results yet. I'm currently on prednisone both as a treatment and as a diagnostic tool (GI said if it works, then that means I have IBD). My doctor said that my symptoms are more severe than the level of inflammation he found would suggest, but he also said that wasn't necessarily a bad thing-- that we could treat the inflammation before it became permanent damage since my symptoms were bad enough to seek treatment, but most people don't notice symptoms until the inflammation is much worse. So, the good news is early treatment, but the bad news is. . .how lucky are we to have bloody mucousy diarrhea 10X/day at a low level of damage?

FPO Librarylady123
Joined May 28, 2020

Sat, March 14, 2020 11:06 AM

Reply posted for bekp82.

Have you only had a colonoscopy? I had a colonoscopy an EGD and a pill capsule study to get my Crohn's diagnosis. Sometimes the colonoscopy won't show a problem because the issue could be further up in your gastro tract which a colonoscopy will not show. Luckily I had a doctor listen to me when I told him I knew my symptoms were showing that something was obviously wrong. 

FPO Teddybear71
Joined Nov 21, 2019

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