Our Stories

These special people inspire us with laughter and wisdom. Read their personal stories — or share one of your own.


Story Image
Author Image sconcitis
Joined May 6, 2023

No where to turn

My 34 yr. old son has severe Crohn's for a decade, diagnosed when he came home from 15 months in Iraq. 3 surgeries (... read more

My Story

Author Image tbg1501
Joined Apr 20, 2023

Hey everyone, I just wanted to make this post because as I’ve been finishing up my sophomore year of college, I&rs... read more

This darn UC

Author Image Gpalma1
Joined Dec 23, 2022

Hi all, I was dignosed with UC in 2017. Since then my life has completely changed and I am changed too. After 6 years... read more

Twin boys

Author Image Crazedmum
Joined Dec 22, 2022

My twin sons were diagnosed over years ago with Crohn's, presenting very differently. Ben was severely malnourished,... read more

Newly diagnosed

Author Image Pat
Joined Dec 13, 2022

I started with abdominal pain, constipation, no appetite,weight lose. Thought I had another diverticulitis attack. Had o... read more

Story Image
Author Image 2sm2hussien
Joined Nov 17, 2022

I would like to share wit...

I would like to share with you my experience and suffering from chronic ulcerative colitis, I suffer from ulcerative... read more

Going and going

Author Image JanMom
Joined Oct 12, 2022

My 37-year old daughter has ulcerative colitis. She has developmental disabilities and lives in a group home, and she co... read more

My Journey to a Lifesavin...

Author Image Ajermine96
Joined Oct 5, 2022

My Journey to a Lifesaving J-Pouch    My name is Amanda and I am 37 years old. I was diagnosed with Crohn&rs... read more

Story Image
Author Image jbusenlehner
Joined Oct 5, 2022

JPouch redo

UC diagnosis at 17. So, so sick, never had my UC controlled. Went to the Mayo Clinic and found a pediatric surgeon who t... read more