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Types of Pain

Sat, July 26, 2008 11:18 PM


So, embarassing has the 3 letter word in it, does it not?

All right... I have Crohn's and I hurt the most deep in my gut immediately after pooping. It's a deep-in-my-gut ache. Can anyone else relate? I have no way to get to a GI from where I'm at, so, I depend on your answers... why would I hurt the most afterwards, when I'm more empty?

Umm, all right... other question... I have another type of pain that is definitely on my left side. Left lower abdomen. It hurts more with solid foods so I drink my food now via fruits and vegetables. I was diagnosed with having a stricture where my ilium meets the colon in 07. This is on the right side... this is where the pain was during my first flare. Prednisone took care of that 8 months ago. I'm not technically flaring. Any one have any suggestions as to why I feel pain on the left now?

Much appreciation and love. All stories are welcome.


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Tue, July 04, 2023 12:16 AM

Reply posted for quarmla.

Learn how to maneuver your kayak, including forward and backward strokes, turning, and bracing. Practice these techniques in calm waters before venturing into more challenging conditions.

FPO jemijonson12
Joined Sep 14, 2022

Wed, August 06, 2008 5:59 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I have Chron's and I have those same pains. Heating pad helps but jeez you can't walk around with one all the time. It gets so bad my eyes water! I work in sales and I get sick of having to put on a "face" all day long. I am an upbeat person but by the time I get home I am exhausted from being over-the-top trying to cover up what's going on inside of me. Abdominal cramping makes sense to me too. It sucks this dang disease we all have.

i went the doc recently because he hadn't seen me in over 7 months. I thought hey this will be routine renew the prescrips, chat & be done. I talked about the pains I have been having because it's been getting worse. He said well it seems to me you aren't in remission with the weight loss, the pain & the frequency. We went over the options & I cried & cried. Alone down here without my family. Started Entocort & the right pain subsided amazingly, I couldn't beleive it! I have always, always had those pains- ever since I was 12 and I have only been diagnosed since 2001. I am not telling anyone more meds we all hate taking them. I surely was aprehensive about taking them debated it for a couple days until a friend of mine convinced me by saying you live your life every day saying what level of crappy do I feel today. I hope y'all find something that works for you- take care, trust yourself.

FPO pam
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Sat, August 02, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for dasbears1.

Thank you so much... that's very helpful. Everyone's reply has been helpful.

If you happen to return to this area, I'd like to ask you how bad your condition of pain on the left side was before surgery was induced, and what other symptoms you were having.

Thanks everyone.


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Thu, July 31, 2008 8:49 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

I had strictures in the same location you did, and my pain was on the left side also.  They told me it was because the food was backing up because of the strictures.  I had surgery done to remove the strictures and the pain is gone.  I feel so much better then I did.   

FPO dasbears1
Joined Jul 16, 2008

Mon, July 28, 2008 2:49 PM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.


So, I have Crohn's, and I know that after-pooping pain.  It has to be colon/rectum related, I think.  After my worst flare-up, my colon was such a mess that my doctors gave me a temporary illeostomy to let it heal, so Crohn's can definitely affect your colon.  As to why it hurts after pooping, that I don't know.  Maybe from the muscle contractions?

FPO trail
Joined Mar 2, 2021

Mon, July 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Quarmla.

    I have UC and my pain always starts in my lower left side. Never really goes away... I'm just living with the pain right now.
You said you are juicing so obviously you are eating good? Like healthy I mean? I know that when I'm being bad and drink carbonated sodas I hurt really freaking bad, like worse than normal.., but UC and Crohn's are different. Gas maybe?? Just a idea... when I was as school I had this horrible pain in my right side, and I could not even hardly walk and I was breathing really labored, went to the ER and they took an X ray, thinking it was apendicidis (sp?) and it turned out I had gas trapped in my small intestine... the GI never checked for anything else... guess it can happen with UC.
Actually lately my pain has been still left sided, lower but it has also spread pretty much my whole abdominal area and up to, like into my rib cage almost and I feel that dull aching pain even in my back. I've been wondering what is up with that lately.
I hope your pain gets better!

FPO mommy2twinz
Joined Jul 24, 2008

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