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UC & Gastric Bypass?

Mon, August 25, 2008 10:02 PM

Hi everyone,

  I have had UC for 4.5 yrs now.  I have been overweight since childhood, all through my teens, 20's and even now into my mid-30's.  When I was first doagnosed, I was so sick that I lost 80 pounds. Then my GI put me on prednisone. Ugh.  I haven't been able to get the weight off that I gained plus I've had 2 pregnancies since then-the most recent being a baby boy born May 5th.  I had to go on Prednisone again after this last pregnancy and gained another 30 pounds.  Just what I need.  So anyway, to get to the point, I am now a big fat huge 320 pounds.  Does anyone have or know of anyone who has UC and has had gastric bypass???  I'm wondering if GB would make the UC worse because with GB, everything directly empties into the colon???  I haven't asked my GI yet, see him next month.    Thanks in advance!

FPO luvmy4boys
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Sat, September 13, 2008 6:10 PM

 Reply posted for Luvmy4boys.

I asked my doctor about GB Surgery - have had UC and Crohn's since 1994 - she said 'absolutely not' since with these conditions and surgery they would not be able to tell when I was having a flare or see the bleeding, mucous, etc and it could be life threatening if we missed it.

Good luck to you - let us know what your GI doc says...


FPO hillslife
Joined Sep 13, 2008

Wed, August 27, 2008 9:51 PM

 Reply posted for chelle.

Chelle, I'm sorry you're going through this as well.  I've actually started taking an antidepressant.  This just sucks.  I've never felt good about my body image anyway, but now it's even worse; and it's so hard to exercise when all your joints hurt and you feel so tired all the time.  Do you have the pain & fatigue too??  I am 34 and feel 74.  I wouldn't even wish Ulcerative Colitis on my absolute worst enemy.  So where are you from?  I'm in WNY. 

FPO luvmy4boys
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Wed, August 27, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Luvmy4boys.

I have a friend (who does not have UC or Crohn's) who is going throught the process right now for the GB surgery. She told me that when she went through the orientation for GB she was told there are 2 instances where they will not do GB. Those 2 instances are Lupus and Crohn's.

I have always struggled with my weight as well. I have talked to my GI doc and he does not think GB is an option for me anyway. I am at about the same weight as you right now. I am currently on 40 mg. of Prednisone (down from 60 mg.) because I recently developed both Erthema Nodosum and Pyoderma Gangrenosum (painful nodules on my legs - one of which looks as though my leg is rotting off). Since I was put on the Prednisone this time (I started in March) I have gained 25+ pounds. I am having a very difficult time controlling my eating. At times I am desperate for food!!!

I did really well before my last pregnancy - I was exercizing every day (doing TaeBo) and staying away from fast food and starches - I know not easy when you need to stay away from ruffage for the Crohn's. Anyway I managed to lose 128 pounds. Then I got pregnant with my daughter. After she was born I had a bad flare up and was treated with more Prednisone. Now I am on Prednisone again. It is very depressing! I want so much to be thin, but I feel like I am fighting a battle I will never win. I try to just accept it, but I don't want to. I want to feel good about being around others. I would also like to be happy to have my picture taken. I hate seeing pictures of myself when I am so heavy.

I wish I had more encouraging advice for you. Hopefully someone else will have some words of wisdom for us. It is getting more difficult for me to motivate myself to exercize, plus I was exercizing every day for three months straight starting back in April of this year & I gained 9 pounds! Everyone says "but your on Prednisone" - that's not helpful.

FPO chelle
Joined Aug 13, 2008

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