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UC & pain, fatigue

Mon, August 25, 2008 10:17 PM

Hi again everyone, I have been experiencing ALOT of body aches and pains.  EVERYTHING hurts me, from my neck to my ankles and everything in between.  Even my fingers hurt.  And the fatigue, I feel so tired all the time. I've been sleeping fairly well the last couple weeks, and I try to stay busy, but it's so hard to keep active with the pain. I seem to be in remission, but there always that sense of urgency.  I'm 34 and feel 74.    I know if I lost weight it would help, but even when I didn't weigh as much as I do now, I still hurt.  Did your GI put you on any pain meds?  The last time I told my GI (actually his nurse practioner) about my pain, she said that there is a form of arthritis associated with IBD, but it is mostly seen with Crohns not UC.  I was tested for Crohns and it came back negative.  My RA factor was high though.  I see my GI (NP) next month and I think I may have to get firm & assertive about some x-rays or Ct scans or something.  Something is obvoiusly wrong for me to be hurting this much.  Do those of you with UC experience this joint pain/fatigue???  I would love to hear your story. 

FPO luvmy4boys
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Thu, September 18, 2008 2:30 PM

 Reply posted for Luvmy4boys.

  I am a mom of a 2yr old girl, and these past few months I've gotten worse by the week.  I too have severe joint (every joint) pain, weird clicking in my hips and chronic couch ridden mind says get up and DO SOMETHING, my body, muscles won't go, I am use to being an intense go getter and have been a competitive bodybuilder for 12 yrs but since 5 months ago, I am lucky to make it in the gym a few days a week...and even then, I am struggling to make it thru a workout.

I know how you feel, I just wish I could fix it for ALL of us. I'm losing hope, and I feel like I can't even function and I hate NOT knowing from day to day or hour to hour if I am going to have the energy to do menial stuff...............i'm trying to find solutions via info here and I see a new doctor next month, I'll keep you posted, hang in there :)


FPO femalen2iron2
Joined May 15, 2008

Tue, August 26, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Luvmy4boys.

Hi. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've had UC for 6 "fun-filled" years & I've experienced EVERYTHING you've mentioned, so don't feel like you're alone. Even though I've been in remission for a huge chunk of that time, I still don't always feel great day to day, but I try to remind myself that no matter how bad I feel, there's ALWAYS somebody worse off than I am.

I'm not saying you should ignore it, but try not to pay too much attention to the whole RA factor thing, because you can test positive & never have RA. I was actually just tested myself because I couldn't move my right arm without unbearable shoulder pain, but the RA test & the x-rays came back negative. What's actually been helping me the most is my chiropractor. He's been doing ultrasound therapy on my shoulder & it feels fantastic!! Another thing that really helps my UC symptoms is accupuncture. Although my GI believes in alternative therapies, he's not completely convinced that chiropractic works, but he told me that if I believe that this is what's helping me & keeping me in remission, then by all means I should keep doing it. I hope this helps & you should definitely be firm & assertive when you see your GI again.

 Be well.


FPO nan12517
Joined Apr 29, 2008

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