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"Mental" urgency?

Wed, August 27, 2008 12:00 AM

Hey guys,

Has anyone else experienced this: I find that it seems that my body "knows" when I'm getting close to home (or somewhere that I'm very comfortable being, like my boyfriend's house) and I get a sudden urgency to go when I'm pulling up to my house. I can be fine on the car ride, but it seems that as soon as I get within a few minutes of my house, suddenly it feels like I'm not going to make it (and a few times I haven't). Is this some sort of mental trigger that I'm giving myself? If so, how in the world can I stop it? Obviously I feel more comfortable when I'm in my own home and know that I'm close to the washroom, but is it possible to develop some kind of "urgency trigger"?

If anyone has experienced anything similar to this, any feedback would be appreciated.

FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Sat, September 13, 2008 5:28 PM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

OMG - I thought it was just me.   I have just recently left my job due to my increasing UC and Crohns issues.   But I do the same thing when I am not going to be at home - worrying about how long is the drive, where are bathrooms along the way, traffic, etc.   I also have had some uncontrollable episodes  - so I know they are not mental, but I do think I very often 'freak' myself out when leaving the house and use the bathroom 5-6 times before leaving 'just in case'....thanks for posting.

FPO hillslife
Joined Sep 13, 2008

Sat, August 30, 2008 9:56 AM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

Yes, this happens to me also, I will be fine all day, but as soon as I have to go meet the bus, I have the "urgency attack" it never fails! sometimes I think that it is mental...the more I think about not being able to make the bus on time and having my child wonder why I am not there, makes it worse. But she has a cell phone and I will call her to tell her to start walking and I will collect her when I am out of the bathroom. She has dealt with this for as long as she can remember, I have had it since she was 2 (she is 12) so having people who are supportive helps. wearing Depends (even though they are bulky) will give you peace of mind, just in case you have an accident. I always carry extra clothes, underwear and whipes in my large purse. hope this helps.

FPO lfs603
Joined Aug 4, 2008

Fri, August 29, 2008 6:41 PM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.


I have the same experiences and thought I was crazy.  It occurs for me as it does for you, as I'm approaching home from work or after picking up the kids from school. The only technique I've been trying is breathing slowly and repeating a mental message to help "hold it" until I can get inside the house.  Good luck

FPO jthorvath10
Joined Aug 29, 2008

Thu, August 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

 I have to say that when I read your story it was deja vu. The difference with me is just opposite but similar. Any time I have to leave home I have the same 'urgencies' and yes, sometimes I don't make it in time either. However, I do manage to make as many trips to the bathroom as necessary before I finally feel 'empty' enough to go on my merry way. This is not unusual, given the episodes we encounter every day. What most people take for granted each day causes us to hesitate then this seems to trigger our 'fight or flight' type response. As you know, this response for healthy people is handled in a much easier way than for us. Some get headaches, others forgetful, or nervous, etc. You aren't alone in this. Problem for us is when this response kicks in, our condition is the first line of attack. I have tried some relaxation techniques but depending on the situation, it doesn't always work. Especially when I'm going someplace I've never been before. Unfamiliarality breeds mental urgency for me. If I'm gong somewhere I've been to before, and I know where there is a bathroom handy, then this rush of urgency is lessened. If it's some place unfamiliar, I'm in way too deep to leave home on time. Eventually, though I make it there (mostly, not always) and the urgency is gone. My daughter (lucky her to inherit this) has found that taking yoga and using it often (daily is better) helps her tremendously.

FPO mgmanusa
Joined Jun 1, 2008

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