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Food Intolerance Tests

Tue, September 09, 2008 12:00 AM

Hey Guys,

Have any of you had food intolerance tests?  Are these legitimate?  I had one done but it seems that I am intolerant of 50% of the most common foods.  This seems like a stretch.  I'd appreciate any advice.


FPO tdheather
Joined Aug 3, 2008

Thu, September 18, 2008 2:24 PM

 Reply posted for tdheather.

did you get it done by a trusted doctor? He should have followed up on what to do about your intolerances.

I went to my primary physician for a food allergy test  because I kept having stomach symptoms even though I was in remission. They took some blood and sent it off to a lab for a very expensive anaylsis ($1,000). A week or so later they called back with the results. It turns out the only food allergy I have is a very slight allergy to mustard, which I don't even eat because I've always disliked it.

Needless to say, a lot of times the doctors are right on this one. True IBD isn't related to food or diet. So as long as you know you don't have celiac or IBS, then there really isn't much point in getting a food intolerance test.

FPO nahhan12
Joined Sep 26, 2008

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