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UC without Prednisone

Fri, September 12, 2008 10:56 AM

I was diagnosed with UC a year and a half ago.  Had a couple small flares (besides the big one that got me into the gastroenterologist) that were taken care of with pred and Asacol.  Since late June I have been in a really nasty NP started me on pred and Asacol, then pred and cozacol, now I'm on pred, Asacol and Imuran. I've been on 40mg of pred per day until two weeks ago when I told the NP I wanted off the pred. Last week I ended up getting a blood transfusion because I was anemic.  My question is :  can UC be treated successfully without using pred?  I am afraid that I am hindering my recovery by lowering my dose of pred. I am starting to heal now, very little blood and solid stools. Currently down to 25mg of pred per day.

FPO katiepaw
Joined Sep 12, 2008

Sun, September 21, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

I have begun taking a probiotic made just for Chrons & Colitis which is called Digestive Advantage Chrons & Colitis.  It does seem to be working.  I found it on and people with Chrons said they took it out of desperation when no meds would work and it actually put them in remission.  I've been on it for close to a wk and actually produced a almost normal movement today and havent been nauseous at all and havent seen any blood.  So you may want to check into that.  A liquid multivitamin multimineral would be good for you too.

FPO puffnstuff
Joined Sep 15, 2008

Wed, September 17, 2008 3:11 PM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

I was constantly having to use prednisone to control my UC flares and my doctor and i fianlly realized i was prednisone dependant.  i would always have a flare within 3 months of going off prednisone.  It's a good med if you only need it once or twice to get healthy again, but if you are noticing a continual need, i would suggest asking the dr. about Humira.  It ahs totally changed my life since i started on it 5 months ago.  i have not had a flare at all and did not need to use prednisone at all.  i noticed relief within a couple of days of my first injection.  Good luck!

FPO araabe
Joined Apr 14, 2008

Wed, September 17, 2008 8:50 AM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

I was originally diagnosed with Crohn’s 6 years ago at age 30. I was a very healthy person prior to that. I play football, basketball, baseball, and golf. Once I became sick, I was impossible for me to continue all of this activity. After changing doctor’s three times, because I wasn’t happy with my results, I found a good Doctor (Dr. Larry Taylor – Tallahassee, FL). He ordered a number of different test for me, including a Colonoscopy. He then changed my diagnoses to Cronic Active Ulcerative Colitis. My Doctor has me on 3 400 MG Tablets of ASACOL 4 times daily, 10 MG per KG of REMICADE every eight weeks, and currently 5 MG of Prednisone. Our goal has been to eliminate the prednisone without causing a flare up. I’m usually feeling much better after the REMICADE infusion, but when I get to the 7th and 8th week, I start getting sick. I’ve had to go to the emergency room twice within the last three months for dehydration and muscle cramps. Each time the ER doctor has increased my prednisone to 50 MG. I try to reduce the amount gradually, but seem to always come back to the same point. I’m starting to wonder if I will ever get off the prednisone.

FPO reed
Joined Sep 17, 2008

Tue, September 16, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

Thank you everyone for all the input, I appreciate the time you took to address my problem.  These forums are such a good resource, it really helps to know that you are not alone with this disease.


FPO katiepaw
Joined Sep 12, 2008

Tue, September 16, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

For me, it took over a year from the time I was diagnosed with UC until I was finally able to ween myself off prednisone. During that time, I was only able to be off prenisone for 2 days before the bleeding began again. Thankfully for me the combination of Colazol, Prevacid, Bentyl, Niferex-forte (for anemia), Azasan and Remicade infusions finally did the trick. I felt well for 2 days now! I still go to the bathroom 4-6 times a day on a good day and it's always diareha but I can handle that. The pain and blood is what really frustrates me. Good luck to you!

FPO racheleshaver
Joined Sep 8, 2008

Mon, September 15, 2008 11:59 PM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

I am sure some people can do that. Prednisone was the only one  that had any effect on my UC. But what a price.

FPO jeffdc
Joined Aug 25, 2008

Mon, September 15, 2008 7:46 PM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.


I was on 120 mg of pred. and had multiple blood transfusions when I was hospitalized.  But now I am completely off the pred. and on enemas and mercaptapurine.  I am in the middle of a flare up at the moment but it is possible to control your UC without pred!! :]]

FPO jessicadarleen
Joined Sep 11, 2008

Sun, September 14, 2008 8:14 PM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.


       I've had UC about 3 years, Did not really have any bad flares until this year.  Was taking Colozol on and off if having problems.  I had a flare in april with bleeding and diarara that put me in hospital for a week,  Dr stated me on Predzone after that.  I was off of it for about a month or so when when started having diarea again in late July went back on, ended up in hospital again about a month ago.  Now taking 30MG predzone, gradualy taper off and 50mg of Imuran 2x daily.  seems to be working so far.  As for the side affects of Prez, they are midler that when I first took back in April  I cant seen to gain weight, been eating reguar foods, drinking ensure and boost.  Most comon side affect for me with prez, frequent unrination and sleeplesnes. 


FPO vidman32
Joined Aug 9, 2008

Fri, September 12, 2008 4:12 PM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

I have had UC for roughly 8 years or so and my previous doctor wanted to put me on Prednisone as I had never been in remission since my UC began when I was 18, but I refused. I did not want it and was adamant that we exhaust all other resources first. He didn't listen to me so I found a new doctor and after talking with me and understanding why I didn't want Prednisone he told me to tear up the prescription and we would work something else out.

After trial and error for years, I'm now on Lialda (4 a day) and Canasa (one suppository at night) and for the first time since being diagnoised I've been in remission for nearly 4 months now. It is possible to find remission without Prednisone, but it may take years (like it did for me) to actually get to the combination of drugs that will work.

FPO ennocence
Joined Aug 8, 2008

Fri, September 12, 2008 12:32 PM

 Reply posted for Moogan83.

If you can get off prednisone without bleeding, thats what I would do.  I am currently been tapered down to 1MG and remicade infusions.  Still have fatigue, cramping, back aches, sore throats, bloating, insomnia and some constipation. Can you believe I need to take Miralax on a daily basis....but no bleeding and have solid bms.  I go back to the doc in Nov and planning to request that I have the predisone be stopped.

Geezzee....its bad enough to have this messy disease but who wants that "fluffty" weight gain!!!!

FPO njgal
Joined Jul 26, 2008

Fri, September 12, 2008 11:09 AM

 Reply posted for katiepaw.

Hi there,

I would actually really like to know the answer to this question as well. I've had UC for a little over a year and haven't gained control over it yet. The Mezavant has helped in that I don't get the pain anymore, but all the rest of the symptoms are still including bleeding occasionally. Last time I talked ot my Doc he said we should really look at Pred as an option for me, but I'm terrified of going on it and I'd rather do anything than have to take it.

So I'm really interested in the answer to this one too.

FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

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