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Endurance Athletes with UC?

Tue, September 23, 2008 3:09 PM

Hello. I was diagnosed in '04 and have been an marathoner and ironman competitor since '03. I have stuggled with 1-2 flares per year and am wondering if there are any other endurance athletes out there, with UC, that have been questioning if perhaps the endurance activity aggravates UC?  I am also wondering if any endurance athletes out there think there is a connection between UC and poor performance? 

FPO 24cycle
Joined Sep 23, 2008

Thu, October 02, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for 24cycle.

Although what you and I call endurance may be two different things, when I was in the middle of my UC, I ran the Peachtree Road race, a 10K. I was very apprehensive, because line at porta potties suck.

I was on prednisone at the time, maybe 40 mgams(?), and had no UC problems.

When I did another 10K two months later, I hit a Dunkin Donuts and a Pep Boys when the urge came along. I would have been #%^^$#^%# if not for those places.

FPO jeffdc
Joined Aug 25, 2008

Fri, September 26, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for 24cycle.

i'm not an endurance athlete, but I know what it's like to have to stop mid work out for an emergency bathroom break and then jump right back into working out. When I am in a flare I am often very dehydrated and anemic, so it's best to keep those two factors in mind. However the body is an amazing thing and will do what you train it to do. I think learning to control the stress and emotions that a flare up can bring will be the best way to keep it from affecting your performance athletically.

FPO nahhan12
Joined Sep 26, 2008

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