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my 10 year colonoscopy

Fri, September 26, 2008 12:00 AM

hi everyone!! well, after seeing my GI, and reading this forum, i feel like a complete idiot. i was diagnosed with uc in 2000, but looking back, i've actually had active disease since 1997 while i was in high school.  i've been uninsured for most of my adult life, bub/c i've been in school, so i haven't been able to consistantly see a GI. since i'm finally done with school, and now have insurance, i decided i needed to see a GI. well, i thought i'd been in remission since 2000, and since i didn't have any "symptoms", that everything was fine. and he promptly set me straight. I thought I'd been in remission, b/c i was comparing it to when i had active disease, which was really bad. it was to the point where i couldn't hold food down, i'd either immediately vomit, or defecate. which got to be vary embarrassing, and i got to the point where i lost all of my appetite or didn't want to eat, b/c i was unable to hold anything in. so, now i'm scheduled for my 10 year colonoscopy, and am scared to death about what will be found, considering i haven't been on any medication consistently.  thought, i'd post my story.

FPO soleil
Joined Sep 26, 2008

Sun, September 28, 2008 5:40 PM

 Reply posted for soleil.


I was in remission for 30 years. This year I had my gall bladder out and my world fell apart. I had a colonsocopy after 20 years and it showed an imflamation in the intestine and an small polyp. The biopsy on the polyp came back clear and I'm now on Imuran for the inflamation. I never went to a GI, not because of lack of insurance because I've always had good coverage, but because no Dr ever suggested that I see one and I was having no problems. So don't be afraid, early detection and treatment is always the best.


FPO marilynaz
Joined Jun 4, 2008

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