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Pregnancy and 6MP

Sat, September 27, 2008 12:00 AM

I was diagnosed with Crohns disease in 1997.  I was on Pentasa with my first child and all went well.  She is 4 now.  I had a flare up about 2 years ago and was placed on 6MP.  I just recently found out I was pregnant and my OB doesn't like the fact I am on 6MP but when I spoke with my Gastro dr he said I would be worse off if I stopped the meds than if I were to stay on them.  My OB wants me to see a high risk prenatal dr which I plan to do.  Can anyone help me and let me know if they have been on 6MP and pregnant.  Any information would be helpful as I believe its going to weigh on my mind!!

FPO kstate95
Joined Sep 27, 2008

Wed, October 01, 2008 11:29 PM

 Reply posted for kstate95.

Hi. I certainly can relate to you because the same thing happened to me but a little different. When I got pregnant for my daughter I was on 6mp, pentasa and I was very scared of the risks tha the doctor told me about so I decided to stop my meds. But 5 months into my pregnancy I got a flare up and needed medicine so my doctor had several meetings with several other doctors to show me facts. Well it was more dangerous going without meds than taking it. So I decided to take them and my daughter is now 10 months old and very healthy. She was premature but they said that wasn't cause oof the meds. My son was also premature and I didn't have this crazy disease. Hope this will help you make a decision but just one more thing you have to think that 6mp takes a good 3months to take effect so if you stop and get a flare up like i did its really not fun.My advise is to keep taking it.

FPO kimmie
Joined Oct 1, 2008

Sun, September 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kstate95.

Please be very careful while on 6MP and being pregnant.  If it keeps you in remission then it would be best if you stayed on it, but be very closely monitored. I had a healthy baby boy who is now 3 months old and I was on 6MP when I got pregnant but even my GI doc told me to stop taking it. I hope and pray that everything goes well for you and your baby and I would like to know how it goes!

FPO tarheelmama
Joined Sep 9, 2008

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