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Flu Vaccine?

Mon, September 29, 2008 5:16 PM

My son who was just diagnosed about 1 month ago with Crohn's is also an asthmatic.  Since he is an asthmatic, it is highly recommended that he recieve the flu shot every year as well as the rest of our family. 

I though I had read somewhere that the flu vaccine is not reccomended for people with Crohn's but I can't find that info now.  Can anyone help me with this, is it reccomended or not?

FPO jpsmom
Joined Feb 12, 2009

Wed, October 15, 2008 6:28 PM

 Reply posted for jpsmom.

I specifically asked my GI about this because we are basically dealing with an immune problem, and if that makes me more susceptable to flu, pneumonia, etc.  Since I work in a big city and take public transportation, I want to be sure to do everything to keep myself as healthy as possible so I won't get another flare-up.  I seem to start having problems when I'm run down or fighting another infection, so it made sense to me that a flu shot would just be extra protection.  My GI verified that it is a good idea for any Crohn's or UC people to work on boosting their immune system as much as possible and guarding against illness and a flu shot is a very good idea.  Just be sure to ask if your current meds (if you're taking any) are ok with the serum they use for the flu shot.  Keep your Vitamin D, B12, and C up as much as possible!

FPO jillington
Joined Jul 23, 2008

Sat, October 11, 2008 10:23 PM

 Reply posted for jpsmom.

I get the flu shot every year and I do not have any adverse symptoms from it.  I may get the usual side effects like being a little tired for a few days and injection site soreness, but otherwise I am OK.  I actually did not get the shot 2 years ago and I ended up with the flu which was 100% worse than getting the shot.  If your son is on any of the drugs that supress the immune system then he should probably get the shot. 

FPO peanut005
Joined Oct 11, 2008

Mon, September 29, 2008 9:43 PM

 Reply posted for capthugh.

Thanks.  I really would like him to continue getting the flu vaccine because of his asthma, and now because of his Crohn's.  I will obviously talk to his Dr and get her opinion.

FPO jpsmom
Joined Feb 12, 2009

Mon, September 29, 2008 6:09 PM

 Reply posted for jpsmom.

I have been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease for 4 years now and get the flu shot every year.   I have not had the flu and had no adverse reactions to the shot.  Of course your son may be different.

My Doctor's have me on a list to get it because they feel it is that important for me to get one.   I was told not to do a shot with live vaccine, which the shot form is NOT a live vaccine according to my DR.   It was also recommended for me to stay away from the nasal spray form. 

Hope this was helpful....stay strong & healthy.

FPO capthugh
Joined Sep 25, 2008

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