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school nurse wants your help

Mon, October 13, 2008 12:00 AM

I am a school nurse and want to make sure that the needs of a high school student are well met.  I am going to do a 504 plan on him (so that his rights are laid out and teachers must follow) and the plan will include these accommodations: unlimited access to private bathroom, unlimited access to fluids and foods, able to sit close to door for quick unobtrusive exit, may be out of class longer than expected for bathroom needs, teacher to  email class notes and assignments when student is absent, additional time for testing if out to bathroom, additional time for homework if student unable to complete due to medical condition.   What else do I need to consider??

FPO kimbart
Joined Oct 13, 2008

Tue, October 21, 2008 4:24 PM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

Here are some additional items in my daughters 504:  Ability to particpate in extracurricular activites, despite school attendance requirements.

Abilty to carry and use cell or regular phone to contact parents at anytime.

Self monitoring for fatigue, and excuse from PE as self-determined.

Thanks for assisting this student. Your help means so much.

FPO livingwgrace
Joined Oct 21, 2008

Thu, October 16, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

hi- Is the student interested in getting relief from gym class? That may be a big issue, especially when gym classes are held outside or even running up and down a court for basketball or just being too tired from being dehydrated from all the bathroom visits.There is also the occasional subsitute teachers needing to be informed the student may get nervous that the sub may not know his/her needs.. hope this helps

FPO beachlvr
Joined Sep 30, 2008

Wed, October 15, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

My son is allowed to have an extra set of books from each class that he keeps at home in case of frequent or lengthy absences. CCFA has some wonderful brochures to explain to his/her teachers about the disease.  We also have a team meeting with all of the teachers so that everyone is informed.  How wonderful to have you as an advocate!

FPO lk
Joined Aug 2, 2008

Tue, October 14, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

I am a Mom of a son with Crohn's colitis and I am also a substitute teacher.  Mornings are unpredictable.  Some mornings my son is late for school because he takes longer in the bathroom than other days (you can only get up so early, to anticipate any problems).  I have made his first hour teacher aware that he may not be there at 8 am--so far it is working she hasn't marked him late unless he is more than  15 minutes late for homeroom (8th grade).  Needless to say we give him a  ride to school everyday so at least he isn't missing a bus.  Although I substitute at the same school, I am not sure somedays if he has even made it to school that day.

FPO fushiastarz
Joined Sep 5, 2008

Tue, October 14, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

Just make sure that ALL teachers know and that substitute teachers are aware as well. Apparently one of my teachers didn't know and I had to make a RUN for it one day. I told her I HAD to go and she kept telling me no. Finally I just ran out of class. She locked the door and sent me to the office. She gave me a zero for that day and eventually kicked me out of her class. Also you could try to get adminstration to help if a situation like that arises. There may be a way that the student could get a card or letter to carry at all times stating the problem and that bathroom runs are essential. Good luck to you and the student!!!!!!

FPO tarheelmama
Joined Sep 9, 2008

Mon, October 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimbart.

Hi, I was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.  I know that one thing that happens to me is I become very weak.  Your student may need help carrying books or even extra time getting to and from class.  He is lucky to have a nurse like you that is looking out for him.  Good luck!

FPO starline8j
Joined Oct 13, 2008

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