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meeting topics

Tue, November 18, 2008 1:00 AM

I am helping out at our monthly ccfa meetings and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of great topics/discussions/speakers that would be good to try to set up for our meetings.  I figured everyone here would have the best ideas.  Thanks.

FPO tfreedman
Joined Nov 12, 2008

Sun, December 14, 2008 5:49 PM

 Reply posted for tfreedman.

At one of our meetings we had a Dr. in residency who had Crohns. We learned a lot about the origins of the disease as well as how a college student with Crohns was able to cope. At most of our meetings we don't deal with topics. We do a round table about how we all coped in the last month. What we found that worked for each of us and what didn't work out. This format also is very informative and unstuctured.    

FPO marilynaz
Joined Jun 4, 2008

Tue, December 09, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for RJB10345.

Thank you for your help.  These look like great ideas to go off of.

I am also thinking:

tai chi, pharmasist to talk about side effect, healthy eating

I love the idea of a comedian.  It would be great if I could find someone to do it (we don't have a budget to pay anyone)


thanks again

FPO tfreedman
Joined Nov 12, 2008

Sun, November 30, 2008 8:55 PM

 Reply posted for Jdelgado81.

   Dear jdelgado81,  why don't you ask your gastr. if he/she knows of a local support group?  Maybe check the local paper they might have a notice on it.  Actually I found out about ours right here on this website I've been going now for over a year.  Good Luck  Postal-me

FPO postal-me
Joined Mar 16, 2008

Sat, November 29, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for tfreedman.

I would suggest the following program topics for your meeting schedule:

    1. Ask a medical professional from a nearby teaching hospital speak to the issue of new research being done on Crohn's.  It can provide hope for some of your younger members that help is on the way.
    2.  Invite someone who has had Crohn's for over 30 years to speak on their successful management of the disease.  It would help others to understand that one can have a full life with this chronic ailment.
    3.  Teach how to keep an accurate journal, as well as how to be assertive when speaking with one's physician.
    4.  Bring in comic to lighten up one of your meetings.  Too often we forget that it is okay to just laugh (amongst ourselves, of course) over some of the embarrassing things that can happen to those of us that have become "intimate" with bathrooms!

Good luck!


FPO rjb10345
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Wed, November 26, 2008 8:07 PM

 Reply posted for Jdelgado81.

I am in Fort Wayne, IN.  I am just curious what most people would like to have discussion or certain topics about.  I figure anyone here would be able to give me ideas.

FPO tfreedman
Joined Nov 12, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 9:10 PM

 Reply posted for tfreedman.

Where do u go for meetings.  I was diagnosed with UC in march of this year now just found out I have crohns instead of UC.  I had my surgery just this month first one and I hope last.  Please any information would be great.

FPO jdelgado81
Joined Aug 14, 2008

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