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Thu, November 20, 2008 2:24 PM


when can we start eating like pepsi, ranch, pizza, burgers, steak, and ice cream?

i havent eaten these foods for 4 months!

i miss it.

i have kept to the like white rice, sourdough bread, plain foods diet. and im doing better, so when can i eat the foods i love and miss so much?

FPO kg
Joined Nov 13, 2008

Sat, December 13, 2008 3:56 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

This post reminded me of something a GI doctor had told me as a child.  He said, "Eat everything that begins with the letter 'P'".  I found that odd, considering pizza, popcorn and some pastas have a negative effect on the bowel... 

FPO jossie81
Joined Dec 12, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 3:32 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

Have had ulcerative colitis for 4yrs. now and I still can't have some of the things you list. Pepsi(only small amts), ranch(don't have a craving for), pizza(small amts.), burgers(doesn't bother me), steak(don't crave, but find red meat hard to digest), ice cream(small amts., some people find dairy hard to tolerate).

In general, moderation is the key. Don't overeat. That is the big culprit. If you eat too much in one sitting, you are putting too much stress on your digestive tract. Most of what you listed is not really good for you anyway. I know that's not much consolation, but if you keep taking your meds, you can probably sneak in a few of your favorites.

Good luck to you, hope you will feel better in awhile.


FPO raven
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

If you havent tried to eat them all ready just pick one thing a week and make sure you eat or drink it with other things that you are able to handle. I used to eat anything that had ragu sauce, now I cant, its very stressful but ive had to change my diet almost completely. I can eat ice cream but i try not to eat a lot so you'll just have to test out things to see if your body can handle it.

FPO ltucker487
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Thu, December 04, 2008 4:30 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

Well Im 16 and have lived witn Crohns for about 2 year and I was able to eat all those foods...I still do. I probibly shouldnt but I only have real problems with foods rich in fiber like vegetables and most health foods. I also have problems with nuts so I no longer eat either.The only problems I have with those types of food is the reflux which was easily fixed with acid reducers. I do how ever cant tolerate caffine so i drink decaf colas and such.

Of coarse i could just be very bad at caring for myself because I just had surgery for and obstuction in my ilium the size of a bell pepper.

FPO bluerose2flower
Joined Dec 1, 2008

Mon, December 01, 2008 7:14 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

It all depends on how much you are willing to experiment.  I graze all day...many miny snacks and meals.  I do stay away from all nuts, dairy and seeds but otherwise I eat what I'm craving.  Take one food at a time and see how well you tolerate it.  Sometimes a little pain is worth the sacrifice....good luck!

FPO njgal
Joined Jul 26, 2008

Mon, December 01, 2008 2:08 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

Their is always hope!!! I am sorry that you are having such a rough time, as many of us are and completly understand.  I dont think anyone was trying to tell you there is no hope but tell you how things are for them.  Unfortianantly UC and CD both are one of those diseases I dont think you generalize but you have to look at it case by case person by person.  What works for you may not for me and viseversa! 

   For me I get sick no matter what I do or dont eat.  I do find that if I eat small frequent meals I do much much better!  I dont eat that much period but when I do if I eat too much regarless of what it is, including water, I get really sick!  So maybe you could try something like this just eat the things you like in moderation. And it depends on how much you are willing to put up with.  Is eating the foods you want to eat worth being sick?

FPO sara1124
Joined Nov 30, 2008

Tue, November 25, 2008 12:52 AM

 Reply posted for kg.


I know what you are saying I went through this for a bit....I could not eat alot of stuff like pop,pizza and spices.I am finally able to eat pizza but it still bothers me from time to time.I drink pop it does not bother me now as for nuts and corn I cannot have this at all.I could not eat bannas and mushrooms as well.It may be a long time before your body may say...ok you can have that today.I would just try a little bit and see what your body wants to say to you today.


Good Luck


FPO dale59
Joined Nov 24, 2008

Fri, November 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

reply for kg.

Have a look at Elaine Gottschall's book, Breaking the vicious cycle or her website. I have used her  SCD diet for two years and my health (UC) has improved dramatically (it did take a few months before I was sure about a definite improvement).

The main principle is to remove disaccharide sugars from the diet which alters the gut flora and although carbohydrates are very restricted you can eat burgers (without gluten), steak , fruit sorbets and even ice cream if you make it yourself from SCD yoghurt. Occasional diet pepsi is also allowed and honey can be used to make sweet things but pizzas are not allowed.

It  involves making most things yourself but if you are happy eating steak/chicken etc with salad or vegetables instead of chips it's not too bad once you know what is OK.  I hardly miss anything now.

It's not an easy disease to live with but this diet has given me a lot more control of it and I wish I had known about it from the beginning.

FPO lca
Joined Oct 12, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 4:12 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

I can eat most of those items every once in a while, but make sure you watch your portion size.  These foods aren't great, but I know I have to have steak every once in a while or I will go crazy.  I do pick nights that I don't have to do out just in case it upsets my stomach.  I was just diagnosed in April, so I was thrilled that I can eat some of those foods again.  Good luck.  It is all trial and error.

FPO tfreedman
Joined Nov 12, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 3:47 PM

 Reply posted for kg.

Hi,  I am relatively new to UC and recently asked my GI doc this very same question.  His answer was that everyone is different and it is really trail and error.  You may find that when you are in remission you can handle some of your favorite foods with no problems but during flares going back to a bland diet can help calm things down.  I have been flaring pretty much for a year with remission only on prednisone.  When I feel ok I eat things I enjoy like mac and cheese, fliet o fish, fried chicken and even barbeque.  Just try things a little at a time and take it easy if you find it bothers you. I usually eat smaller amounts just to be on the safe side.  The food journals may help you out with this.   Don't give up  hope.  I think you'll find you can have some of your favorites again.  Honestly, when flaring everything seems to hurt me but during remission I have been able to eat what I want. 

FPO snow kitty
Joined Mar 18, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 2:23 PM

 Reply posted for Concerned Mom.

thanks for saying there is no hope. i'm only a teenager who whas had a very difficult time with MANY complications.


Can't we have it every once in a while, i gues was my question..

FPO kg
Joined Nov 13, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kg.

This is probably not what you want to hear but the foods you mentioned are not good for anyone, nor is the typical American diet which is why we have such a problem with obesity.  My 8 year old daughter has Crohns and in support of her our entire family has adopted a diet that does not include those foods.  However, I have found that I can make less greasy versions of pizza, turkey burgers, and baked french fries at home and she tolerate them well.  The good news is that once you do stop eating those foods eventually you do not want them anymore.  Good luck.

FPO concerned mom
Joined Jun 19, 2008

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