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Thu, November 20, 2008 5:56 PM

I am wondering about other Crohn’s patient’s experiences in regards to smoke and pets. My fiancé was diagnosed with Crohn’s last month after he was admitted to the hospital for “stomach” pains and the doctors removed 10inches of his intestine a piece of which was infected with an abscess. He was admitted to the hospital again this past weekend, however he is at a different hospital than he was for the surgery. The GI Dr. that performed his surgery told him what he should and shouldn’t do, like smoke. My fiancé doesn’t smoke, so that is not a problem, but the doctor at the new hospital said that he can’t be around a camp fire or even go to a BBQ because both produce smoke. I can understand smoking because of all the toxins but wood smoke? The new GI Dr. also said that I have to get rid of my 2 pugs and my cat. I was told that this is because they go outside and when they come back in they can track in germs and bacteria. I can track in germs and bacteria when I come in the house too, so I don’t know really what the difference is. Has anyone else been told they couldn’t be near a campfire or BBQ, or been told they need to get rid of their pets?? I am just confused because we are getting conflicting information from the Dr.’s.

FPO amandajames609
Joined Nov 20, 2008

Thu, January 01, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

I have had Crohn's for 17 years and the only reason I can think of is because of the compromised immune system that certain Crohn's medications can cause.  When I was on certain meds, I had to be careful being around sick children.   Good luck.

FPO blntnchrs
Joined Jan 1, 2009

Tue, December 09, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for pb4.

I should clarify that I wouldn't follow the advice of avoiding camp fire smoke.

FPO pb4
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Tue, December 09, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

I don't kow about the pet thing, seems like over-kill to me, but as far as the camp smoke that's just ridiculous and I would't be concerned, the reason second hand smoking from cigarettes is to be avoided is because of the specific toxins in it...but I wouldn't follow that advice if a GI told me that because honestly it's totally unfounded...I'm surprised the GI didn't tell him just to live a in a bubble forthe rest of his life.



FPO pb4
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Thu, November 27, 2008 9:16 PM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

I can understand being told not to smoke, but avoiding campfire or BBQ smoke is a new one for me, and I've had Crohn's for almost thirty years. I can't say I like the smell too much, but other than that, I don't know it's ever aggrivated my Crohn's. 

I've also had pets for a long time, and my GI doc knows it. She's never suggested they might cause trouble for me. I think any responsible pet owner knows the importance of staying clean, though--washing your hands well before eating if you've been handling your pets, and especially after cleaning a litter box. That's just common sense.

FPO tahani
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Mon, November 24, 2008 6:32 PM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

i haven't heard about getting rid of your pets or not being around a bbq or campfire.  i dont believe either one of those things is harmful.  i think that stopping either one of those things especially if you enjoy it, is dumb.  you cant let this disease take away the things you enjoy. 

FPO kg
Joined Nov 13, 2008

Fri, November 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

My guess is:

Any little infection (stomach bug, whatever) or irritation could lead to a flare-up. Your SO seems to have bad flare-ups. The Doc is probably just trying to lower the possibility of another bad flare-up by trying to clean up any potential for further infection/irritation.

That's really upsetting.

I'm pretty scared now of getting another flare-up, and I'll try to avoid anyone with a stomach bug, but it'd have to get to life-or-death before I get rid of a pet.

FPO kelmit
Joined Nov 21, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 6:55 PM

 Reply posted for Amandajames609.

I have had Crohns for almost 30 years, I did stop smoking years ago because of the effect on the disease, and of course the obvious health reasons, but I have never had a doctor tell me to stay away from a camp fire and certainly not get rid of my pets.  I have always had dogs and I agree about the germs, I probably get more germs going to the grocery store than I do from my 4 dogs.  I think your doctor just doesn't like pets.

FPO mbarclay
Joined Jun 13, 2008

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