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not wanting to eat

Thu, December 04, 2008 1:00 AM

I have had crohns now for about 2 years i think and i have been on 6mp the enitre time with a few treatments of predisone in the process.  Lately i have had no desire to eat, if i eat anything my stomach just turns or it just goes straight through me.  has anyone else had this problem while being on 6mp or even crohns.  i am also on nexium which has helped dramtically with the acid reflux.  But my concern is the not wanting to eat thing.  i will try to snack and eat meals, but it doesnt work.


any advice? 

FPO crashcup29
Joined Dec 4, 2008

Wed, December 31, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for crashcup29.

Talk to your dr. right away. I just got out of the hospital after 6 long nights...I was in for malnutrition and dehydration because I was hardley eating during a 5 week flare up. Don't let it go long! I hope you feel better soon! :)

FPO jenpen80
Joined Dec 31, 2008

Fri, December 19, 2008 10:41 PM

 Reply posted for crashcup29.

I have also had Crohns 4 about 2yrs. After the birth of my son i was diagnosed. i dont know if u have alot of stress in ur life but i have found that reducing my stress level helps more than any of the meds the doc put me on. i jst recently started meds 4 bi-polar disorder & since im not stressed all the time my stomach pains have dramatically reduced. best of luck 2 u i know how the pain & frustation can take its toll on daily life!

FPO apei baybi
Joined Dec 19, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for crashcup29.

I have UC and im on Asacol and for the past few weeks ive had no motivation to eat anything, it could be due to the fear of having a flare up but when i do eat, i eat a lot but lately ive noticed im only eating 2 light meals a day and  going to the bathroom 15+ times.

FPO ltucker487
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Tue, December 09, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for crashcup29.

Let your doctor know what's going on, have some blood work done to see if you have active's your energy level?  are you sleeping well?  What other symptoms are you having - you get the idea....but please don't let this linger on without an answer.

FPO nickrystal
Joined Nov 7, 2008

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