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Rashes, Itching, and Crohn's

Tue, December 09, 2008 1:00 AM

Hi everyone. 

I've had Crohn's for more than 10 years now and am on prednisone with vitamins, calcium, and (ha) less stress.  I have learned about the trial and error approach to diet but have never felt real control over my symptoms (diarrhea and some bleeding).   I teach and am grateful for a few quiet hours each day when my tummy is less noticeable.  Lately, I've had a rash on my lower legs that became so annoying my internist prescribed increased prednisone and a special ointment with more steroids.  They worked to decrease the itching and the rash, but now that I'm back down to the normal dose of 'roids, the itching has returned.  I haven't changed laundry detergent, cleaning solutions, anything...Have you had this problem with your CD or UC?  I keep asking myself if this is another autoimmune thing.  No, we are NOT having fun yet!!!

Mary in Louisiana

FPO mleslie
Joined Aug 10, 2008

Sat, December 27, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mleslie.

As I was reading through your' thread I noticed you said you are on Humira.  Well I had the same rashes that I would get on my legs, face, shoulders and stomach while on Humira.  Within a short time of being taken off the Humira the rash has stopped.  It would come and go somewhat.  Seemed to be worse within a few days of taking injection and let up a little bit right before the next.  I told my dr about it and he pretty much blew it off but it drove me crazy.  Now I am sure it was the Humira since I am no longer taking it and the rash is gone.  All I know is that Humira was a bad match for me and I really believe the rash was a warning sign of what was ahead.  I just recently left the hospital after my dr determined that I had an abcess which never should have happened since I was on Humira.  He decided that hey maybe there was something to what I was telling him about how the Humira was making me feel.  You may ask your' dr about it but you will probably get the same response I did. I was using steroids also and they didnt help the rash either.  Hope this helps some.

FPO kimhg
Joined Mar 21, 2008

Thu, December 25, 2008 9:09 AM

 Reply posted for houndsy01.

  Hi Houndsy and Everyone.  Merry Christmas!

       I'm intrigued by the idea that my rash is a form of staph infection.  Thanks for sharing that; Im going to pass it along to my doctors.  Last time I saw the internist, he said the immune system starts to slow down as we age, and I may be able to manage my Crohns without so much heavy-duty, expensive, medication.  Its a mixed message, but I filed it under "hopeful" because I would rather deal with symptoms like infection than dose myself with immunosuppressants that invite infection.  I guess its a matter of which parts of the immune response decline and at what rate.  I havent had any surgeries yet, but my last colonoscopy showed quite a bit of damage so Im probably looking at surgery at some point.  For now, the Crohns acts and I react. 
       Has anyone tried yoga or any form of meditation with good results?

Be well, everyone.

FPO mleslie
Joined Aug 10, 2008

Thu, December 25, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mleslie.

 I've also been fighting with the same problems. I know people say medicine is the best answer, but sometimes it just don't help. after the last major surgery about 3 years ago, I have flare ups with the rashes and itching. Usually your right, it's usually some where on the legs. But me, I usually get it in other places to. Doctors say it due to Crohn's flaring up, and others say it's actually like a form of staff infection. And if it is staff, it's thee for life

FPO houndsy01
Joined Dec 25, 2008

Sun, December 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for RJB10345.

I wondered if the itching was a symptom of flareup; after all, the skin is our largest organ.  I didn't respond at all to Humira (except to the cost of the injections) and am on prednisone and dietary supplements now.  I use the ointment when the itching becomes noticeable and am working on de-stressing in as many ways as I can.  Let's see what the GI doctor says next month.  Thanks for sharing.  Happy Holidays to All!!   Mary

FPO mleslie
Joined Aug 10, 2008

Sun, December 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mleslie.

i've been trying to control this with diet.  I   really have problems with the steroids!  They make me swell up like an elephant. ..)

FPO sfryburg
Joined Dec 21, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 12:09 AM

 Reply posted for mleslie.

Mary - I have lived with Crohn's now for 45 years.  On a couple of occassions, I experienced the same kind of rash on my lower legs (calves and shins).  It seemed to appear at the same time that I was experiencing a flare-up.  I treated it with a steroid ointment that kept it under control until the flare was also controlled, then it disappeared.  To this day I have very little hair on my legs, which I attribute to the cream.  I am currently taking Humira, and experiencing some mild itching and rash on my upper body, but not the legs this time.  My dermatologist suspects that the immunesuppressant may well be causing my skin to be more reactive to things than when I was taking the regular old Crohn's meds. - Bob

FPO rjb10345
Joined Nov 23, 2008

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