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sex is an issue with my partner??? can someone help????

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

for anyone in relationships- I do not have the urge to have sex with my partner and I love him. but this illness makes me very angry depressed and moody. He is very understanding but of course men will be a men and also he has needs. I feels awful that i do not want to be touched at all. i also feel disgusted of my body that i have to go to bathroom so much...especially at night. At the moment i am taking remicade and i do not feel like i am getting better...i go to bathroom like crazy and still i barely feeling a little better from a bad flare up. I want to know if anyone has this issue with there partner and if u have any advice for me...btw, i went to my OB-GYN office and met with mid-wife and she recommened anti depressants meds or something to help my Libdo (don;t know if i spelled that correct)...i thought she was crazy....

FPO beatriz
Joined Dec 7, 2008

Sun, December 14, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for dale59.

thanks everyone!!!! i spoke to my love one and gave him more detail on how i really felt deep down. He appreciated for communicating with him and i showed him the blogs earlier today. He didn't realize it was affecting other as well. As many of ya'll said finding other ways to make each other happy is what i am working on. I will take it day by day...THANKS AGAIN!!!!! 

FPO beatriz
Joined Dec 7, 2008

Fri, December 12, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for beatriz.


My name is Dale and I have had crohn,s for 6 years now.I have not been able to have sex from time to time.I find that if i do it is once evry 3 mths ...lucky me i guess.My husband can be very upset over this and think I have someone else in my life but I don,t.I just do not want to be touched anymore and I am tired all the time...I know this will pass and I do know it will with you too....just give it some time and you will see I will be for you just live your life and you will be ok.


FPO dale59
Joined Nov 24, 2008

Thu, December 11, 2008 12:27 PM

 Reply posted for beatriz.

when i get sick or have been sick for awhile i'm just so exhausted in every way possible that i basically just want to be left alone. i was diagnosed when i was 18, and i met who is now my husband @ 17, so he's been with me through the whole thing ad he understands, eventho it sometimes really sucks. i agree in whoever said showing affection in other ways is still possible!

FPO jezjiah13
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Thu, December 11, 2008 1:49 AM

 Reply posted for beatriz.

I've had constant flaring CD for 17 yrs now and my hubby is quite understanding...but I make up for it when I'm feeling good and he's grateful for the times that I feel well enough to engage in intimacy...I think it makes him appreciate it more

FPO pb4
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for beatriz.

Dont worry about it, If he loves you he will understand and go through this with you with no issue. I was diagnosed with uc 5 years ago ( I was 22) and up to this summer I constantly had problems, last winter was a very bad one for me and my husband was wonderful.
Through these years we decided that we dont have to show our love with sex that we can show it other ways that make us feel good. So we choose a date night where we would rent a nice movie and light some candles and snuggle under the blankets, Or he rubs my feet and I will rub his shoulders.
There were some times when I didnt even want that so he would slip little notes in the bathroom to tell me he loved me.
You have to be open and honest with yourself and if your partner truly loves you it wont be an issue.
Just enjoy life.

FPO trissy
Joined May 20, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for beatriz.

im a 21yr old male. which is very sexually active up until about 5-6 months ago when i got diagnosed with uc. there are somedays when my fiancee is over i dont even want to touch or be around her. i am very grateful that she never had a sex drive. for me it is tough, there as even been times i have not been able to have an *** .

FPO ltucker487
Joined Dec 10, 2008

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