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breastfeeding and colitis

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

Hello, I am a 34 year old female with 2 school age children and now a 3 month old.  I was diagnosed with uc in 2007, went into remission in went into remission in september of 07 and began trying to conceive my 3rd and final child.  I got pregnant in December of 07 and stayed in remission during my entire pregnancy.  The whole time I was taking Colazal because Asacol did not work for me.  I read some information about Colazal being harmful to nursing infants so after my son was born in August 08 I stopped taking the Colazal.  None of my healthcare providers could give me a definite answer as to whether the Colazal was safe for my nursing baby.  I have been off it for 3 months now and finally I am having a flare.  Does anyone out there have experience with taking meds (or not taking them) while nursing a baby???

FPO patty34
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Sun, December 28, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Patty34.

I am pregnant with my first child and have had UC for almost 9 years.  I'm in remission and have been taking Colazal for the past two years (I have been in remission the entire time I've been on Colazal).  Before becoming pregnant, I read several research articles sent to me by CCFA on the topic of taking UC meds while pregnant/breast feeding.  The articles seem to conclude that it's safe to take Colazal during pregnancy and that it's also safe to breast feed while on Colazal because only a small amount of the drug is excreted in breast milk.  

For more reassurance, I called one of the researchers on one of the articles who knows my Gastroenterologist and she told me that it's safe to take Colazal during pregnancy/breast feeding as long as the does doesn't exceed 6.7 grams daily (I currently take about 6 grams daily).  She said this amount is what has been studied in the research and concluded as being safe.  She also reiterated what the articles say: that although Colazal is excreted in breast milk, it is done so in low concentrations so it poses no risk to the baby.

You can get the articles emailed to you by emailing the resources people at CCFA (this is how I got the articles).  There may even be new information by now (I got these articles about a year ago).  Just ask for any and all information and research articles they have concerning pregnancy, breast feeding, UC and UC medications.

Of course, I have no firsthand experience with breast feeding while taking Colazal so I'm relying on the research but I have to admit, I am a bit hesitant about continuing my medication after the baby is born and I am breast feeding.  On the other hand, I also don't want to flare and have to take even stronger drugs while breast feeding.  It is a dilemma.

I'd be interested in hearing what you end up deciding to do.

FPO shefali
Joined May 1, 2008

Sun, December 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for beatriz.

What holistic therapies did you use??

FPO patty34
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Sun, December 21, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mumofthree.

Hi,  the new med (colazal) was working great.  Asacol actually worsened my symptoms which is why my GI tried colazal.  I stayed in remission all during my pregnancy.  If you were in remission when you became pregnant you should have stayed in itn during.  I would ask you doctor about switching to Colazal for the duration of the pregnancy.  As far as nursing, everyting I read on Asacol and Colazal both said nursing infants can have diarreha and intestinal pains.  I went off the colazal 4 days after my baby was born.  I remained in remission until he was 3 months old.  He will be 4 months next week so I have been flaring for about 31/2 weeks now and I keep getting the run around from my OB and my GI about the meds.  I know I need to start them asap but I don't want my baby suffering side effects.  I am going to pin down the pediatrician next week about it.   Have you heard anything different?  I'll keep you posted.  Good luck in the meantime.

FPO patty34
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Wed, December 17, 2008 10:58 PM

 Reply posted for viv52.

How does the new med work better for you?  I am preg, on Asacol, not sure if it is helping(well my symptoms have worsened but I think it is cuz I am preg).  I intend on breastfeeding this baby.

FPO mumofthree
Joined Dec 17, 2008

Sun, December 14, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Patty34.

I have two kids 2 and 4 yrs old. My first one i was on Asacol through out pregnancy and month before i had my baby i got off the meds. doctors did say it would be fine if i kept taking my meds while breadt feeding. I breatfed for 3 mths and she was absolutely fine no diarrhia or colic. Of course i had a fare up doing it but it was well worth t bc you never know with medicines. Asacol ddn't work for me and i was off my meds for two years after. during this time i did take holistic meds and took care of my diet.

FPO beatriz
Joined Dec 7, 2008

Thu, December 11, 2008 11:47 PM

 Reply posted for Patty34.

I nursed my daughter while taking Asacol and was told by several doctors that it was perfectly safe. She seemed to do wonderfully. I have switched to Colazol as Asacol also seemed to do nothing for me. Although I am not pregnant or nursing now, I do plan to stay on the Colazol for my next pregnancy and breastfeed on it. My doctors here have told me that it is perfectly safe and I have done tons of research on it so far and agree. The only side effects to look out for are a slight chance of diarrhea in your baby. I hope this helps and good luck to you! I would go back on the Colazol asap.

FPO viv52
Joined Dec 11, 2008

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