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Short Term Disability denied ...

Sat, December 27, 2008 1:00 AM

My daugther is 26 and has had Crohn's for 3 years.  Her last colonospocy was clear without signs of Crohn's symptoms.  She is only taking Pentasa as a preventive therapy (if that works, I'm not sure).  She was denied short-term disability thru the insurance provider at work.  My question is - Has anyone had any success with obtaining Short Term Disability while their Crohn's or similar disorder was in "remission"?  Thanks for any info you could send my way.  Concerned Dad.

FPO bensinger
Joined Dec 27, 2008

Fri, January 02, 2009 9:07 AM

 Reply posted for bensinger.

Maybe I was not clear enough about the sitiation.  My daughter has been back to work since Mid-February of 2008 and her surgery was January 8, 2008.  She has not missed work since returning.  The issue is that the short term disability provider that her employer has on contract denied her coverage for 2009 due to a pre-existing condition and the employer did not have short term disability coverage in 2008.  She had a "clean" colonoscopy in the first week of December 2008.  Is there either (A) a way to persuade the work sponsored Short Term Disability provider to accept her or (B) find a separate alternative provider that would accept her pre-existing condition?  

FPO bensinger
Joined Dec 27, 2008

Thu, January 01, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for bensinger.

Best of luck, fighting for benefits takes patience and persistance.  I was approved for short term disability for like 4 months, then the company came back and told me I had to go back to work, so I did.  The first week I made it 3 days and the 2nd week 2 days.  I think that if they see your daughter make an attempt to go back to work, it will benefit her greatly.  They want to see that she has exhausted everything.  Something else to keep in mind (I've had it for 17 years), even though she is told she is in "remission", there could be scar tissue inside of her intestines from when the flare up was.  I know before my surgery my upper GI X-rays showed my intestines being twisted, turned and kind of decayed.  I don't think many take this into consideration and I would like to make sure the doctors and medical professionals who diagnose us and not deal with the actual disease realize that just because "there is no inflamation" present, does not mean that "we" as Crohn's patients are ok.  Encourage her to try to head back to work and yes, to apply for her social security benefits if she can not succeed in performing her duties.  I have been told that employers have to accomodate people with disabilities and I would suggest that she requests everything in writing-& keeps a copy.  I did ask at one of my last employers that they equip me with a laptop so that I could work from home on those "bad days", I was denied, but my asking helped.  Hope this all helps for her.  Christine

FPO blntnchrs
Joined Jan 1, 2009

Thu, January 01, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for bensinger.

Best of luck, fighting for benefits takes patience and persistance.  I was approved for short term disability for like 4 months, then the company came back and told me I had to go back to work, so I did.  The first week I made it 3 days and the 2nd week 2 days.  I think that if they see your daughter make an attempt to go back to work, it will benefit her greatly.  They want to see that she has exhausted everything.  Something else to keep in mind (I've had it for 17 years), even though she is told she is in "remission", there could be scar tissue inside of her intestines from when the flare up was.  I know before my surgery my upper GI X-rays showed my intestines being twisted, turned and kind of decayed.  I don't think many take this into consideration and I would like to make sure the doctors and medical professionals who diagnose us and not deal with the actual disease realize that just because "there is no inflamation" present, does not mean that "we" as Crohn's patients are ok.  Encourage her to try to head back to work and yes, to apply for her social security benefits if she can not succeed in performing her duties.  I have been told that employers have to accomodate people with disabilities and I would suggest that she requests everything in writing-& keeps a copy.  I did ask at one of my last employers that they equip me with a laptop so that I could work from home on those "bad days", I was denied, but my asking helped.  Hope this all helps for her.  Christine

FPO blntnchrs
Joined Jan 1, 2009

Mon, December 29, 2008 8:27 PM

 Reply posted for bensinger.

Hi Princess Here,

I was on short term disability after surgery for 8 months i was able to collect 66% of my pay. She realy needs to have her Doctor submit to the benifits dept and im sure with his or her help when she is haveing a flare up they might put her on disability. The only thing is they might not beable to hold her position while she is out. If she feels she is unalbe to work on a sustained daily bases she might want to think about social security disability. so when she cant work the benifits would kick back in imediatly. It is a very long process but with her Docs help. she might get in quicker. best of luck and i know it is upseting to you and all you want to do is help and guid her.



FPO princess
Joined Oct 24, 2008

Mon, December 29, 2008 7:55 PM

 Reply posted for bensinger.

I can't say one way or another, but my HR department was actually encouraging me to take short term disability while I was sick.  I never had to because of vacation time and fortunately being able to do my job from home.

FPO chris
Joined Dec 28, 2008

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