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Dorm living with Crohn's

Mon, January 19, 2009 6:46 PM

I've been diagnosed with Crohn's for a 1 and 1/2 years now, though I've had symptoms for the last 2 and 1/2. I was in community college during these past years, but now I've transfered to a Four Year University and I'm living in dorms.

And I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions or advice that might help me keep my Crohn's in remission or failing that, how to deal with a flair up away from home.

FPO kmael
Joined Jan 19, 2009

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for EZ.

I would talk to the disability office and see what they can do for you. They were able to give me extended time for tests and even a private bathroom. I shared my room with one other girl but there were two bathrooms. You should talk to them and see how they can help you. 

My cousin has celiac disease and she was able to get the cafeteria to make her special food. It always helps to have allies on your side. Also, talk to your roommates and make sure they know what is going on.

FPO mas810
Joined Mar 5, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

I was diagnosed at the end of my sophmore year. First thing is if you have roommates make sure they understand that you are sick and sometimes have to kick them out of the bathroom or may need their help. Having a support system around you helps a lot when having a flare away from home. Definitely go to the disabilties services office. I had a few professors try to refuse late work or to accomodate me until I had that little form. Try to eat a healthy diet and keep stress low. And remember no project is worth ending up in the hospital for, even though it did hurt my grades sometime. Hope you are doing well.

FPO loynoalum08
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Sun, March 01, 2009 8:35 PM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

Knowing several people with UC (my husband, most closely), my advice is, like others, to keep your diet to what you are accustomed to eating successfully and to talk to the disabilities office.  You should be able, if necessary, to re-schedule tests more easily in case of flare-up, or schedule tests seperately from the rest of the class and with a time extension.  You also might find it helpful to keep in mind the emotional effects the disorder can have and utilize a counseling or support group your school or community may offer.

FPO dswife
Joined Mar 1, 2009

Fri, February 06, 2009 8:32 PM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

I know what you're going through. I'm a college student and I lived in dorms on campus. I shared a bathroom with 6 other girls, but I got access to other bathrooms with a key. Also, I was staying very active, which often times didn't help, so I was familiar with every bathroom (mens and womens) on campus for the most part. It helps to be prepared, so I always used to carry toilet paper and extra medication (in one small bottle, I would put 4 or 5 of each of the basic emergency types of meds). Like others have said, your schools disabilities office will help. I felt like eating the simplest foods made me feel the best. Whatever suits your body, I'd say focus on eating that, in quantity, while also receiving nourishment from vitamin supplements if necessary. I hope I was helpful. Good luck!

FPO jl287664
Joined Feb 6, 2009

Sat, January 24, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

I was diagnosed at the end of my junior year. I lived in a suite with seven other girls and a bathroom as far from private as you can get. The best thing for me was to be totally honest with all of them about my Crohn's disease. Don't feel embarrased, I was completely surprised by how many of them knew what it was or had a family member with a similar condition. It helped me not feel so alone since I wasn't trying to hide anything. I also kept foods that I knew I could eat in my room since must college food is loaded with soy oil which made me feel terrible. Letting the disability department at your school know, and even talking to your individual teachers can save you a lot of stress when you're feeling your worst. As worried as I was about it, my last year and a half of college were great, your time will be too. Best wishes...

FPO riley
Joined Jan 20, 2009

Thu, January 22, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

As a junior in college i have found that the most useful tips i ahve to give are that you definitely talk to the disabilities office. they will talk to your prof. and just tell them that you have certain accomadations. also just knowing the basic layout makes life much easier when you do have a sudden urge. remember to try and sit on the aisle seats because it will make it less noticible when you leave a class suddenly. as for living in a dorm your best bet is letting your roommate know whats going on so that they can help you. letting my roommate know has made my dorm life much easier because he knows what is going on in my life. if you have anymore questions about college life please feel free to ask or email me at

FPO jtb88dawgs
Joined Jan 22, 2009

Wed, January 21, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for EZ.

I forgot one thing.  There is also scholorship money for Crohn's.  Maybe you can look into that too.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Wed, January 21, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kmael.

My daughter was diagnosed with UC two years ago.  We were looking around at 4 year colleges but she is a community college and will transfer.  She has been in a flare since she started college and we went to the doctor a few weeks ago.  She said sometimes she has patients that get into a flare when they go away to college because of the food they may be eating.  I don't know if you can possibly talk to the cafeteria maybe they can make some different foods.  Also when we were looking around at the 4 year colleges, we also contacted the disability office and they were incredibly helpful.  They were even going to put my daughter into a dorm room that was closer to the campus.  They also contact professors and really seem to take care of the students.  I'd really get in contact with the disability office when you can.  Maybe they can even help you with the foods in the dorm.  Good luck : )

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

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