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IBD and exercise/sport

Tue, August 15, 2023 12:29 AM

This is my first post. I am 28 and I was diagnosed with Crohn's July 2022 and I was reccomended to begin Humira right away because I was very sick. I was unable to start Humira since I travel a lot for my sport and changed countries 3 times this year already. Long story short, I have been taking Mesalamine for the past year and 3 different gastros have told me I need to start the biologic. I have felt a little better but I feel that recently my symptoms are coming back.

Although it's been very difficult to keep up my sport and training I have managed so I avoided the hassel of starting the biologic. I have also been avoiding the biologic because I am afraid of the side effects and no longer being able to train and continue playing. 

I would appreciate any help or experience from active/highly active individuals taking biologics regarding your life after starting and if you were able to keep up your exercise/sport inspite of the medication. I appreciate any help!!! Thanks for listening. 

Joined Aug 14, 2023

Tue, September 05, 2023 4:02 PM

Reply posted for JS25.

Hi there!

I very much understand the plight of having an IBD diagnosis and trying to get fit. 
I've been in the sport of powerlifting and bodybuilding for around 8 years now on-and-off. 

I, too, have difficulty staying in the gym. Now as a result of my medication, but as a result of my disease. My disease is not well controlled. 

I would recommend you speak with your physician about getting started on the appropriate medication regime that they deem appropriate. 

You really want to stop your disease progression and if your current medication isn't doing its job, you will have a very difficult time getting back into sports as a result of your disease. 

So, I recommend you start the appropriate medication as recommended by your doctor and once you start to feel better, slowly get involved in sports again. 

There are many professional athletes with IBD. Most recently, there is a professional tennis player named Alexandre Muller who has Crohn's disease and they manage their disease with some sort of biologic I assume (due to them stating they inject every 2 weeks). 

Sports and IBD is very much possible...once you get things under control with medications. 

FPO SeekingWellness
Joined Apr 16, 2023