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Hair coloring

Mon, February 09, 2009 1:00 AM


I am currently being treated with 6MP, and have noticed that my hair has thinned a bit, though not enough for anyone to notice.  I was just wondering, does anyone know if the chemicals in hair dye can make my already fragile hair fall out?  I really wanted to color my hair, but am worried about what the consequences are.  Any help is appreciated!  Thanks!

FPO gatto22
Joined Feb 9, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for LoynoAlum08.

Thank youfor your reply.  It is comforting (thought I'm sorry you experienced it too!) to know other people experienced the same thing as me.  My hair has started to fall out, and what is growing back is grey - though I can't really say if that is from the medicine or natural.  But I am only 26 years old, so I am inclined to think it has to do with the meds.  I did ask the hair stylist, the one I see refuses to color my hair for risk of it falling out.  She said she does not recommend it at all, though I know there is different chemicals that places use and everyone is different!  Thanks again!

FPO gatto22
Joined Feb 9, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

If you do decide to color your hair, I would suggest paying the extra money and going to a professional. They can give you a good idea of what the dye will do to your hair and if it would be too damaging and even what hair products will be good for your hair. After taking steroids for a long time and then just 6mp my hair color and texture changed so I'm not willing to try and do it myself after that. Since having it done professionally, my hair actually seems to be in better condition.

FPO loynoalum08
Joined Sep 25, 2008

Sat, February 14, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

Just wanted to say thanks much to everyone!  I decided that I'm not going to color my hair at all, too much risk.  I know everyone reacts differently, but I seem to now have fragile hair, so I would definitely like to keep what I have!  Thank you again!

FPO gatto22
Joined Feb 9, 2009

Sat, February 14, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

I don't think its worth the risk of damaging your hair, and possibly having it fall out. Once your hair starts falling out, it takes forever to grow back! So be careful and try using safer dyes if you decide too.

FPO christenzilla
Joined Jan 18, 2009

Wed, February 11, 2009 12:49 PM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

I have been taking 6mo for years from very high to a present very low dose.  I never even thought about the hair dye issue.  I have been having my hair professionally colored every six weeks for as long as i can remember with no adverse effects.

FPO robyn
Joined Apr 29, 2008

Tue, February 10, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

I would go with an ammonia free or natural brand or hair dye.

FPO loreli115
Joined Jan 18, 2009

Mon, February 09, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for gatto22.

Maybe you could look into a highlight with semi-permenant color.  Highlights they don't rub into the roots like they do total hair color.

FPO asohn
Joined Dec 22, 2008

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