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Help me please???

Thu, February 12, 2009 9:51 PM

I'm sorry, but I just need to vent. 

Yesterday I had to call out of work beause I felt like I was having a heart attack.  It wound up being a panick attack and the doctor reccommended me stay out of work yesterday and gave me some anxiety medicine.  So I did.  Well, I HATE calling out of work.  I would rather saw my fingers off than to call out of work (not really) but I really hate calling out.  I work in an environment where you need all the man power you can get.  Anyway,  since the first of the year that was the second time I've had to call out.  I work my bahooty off, running all over the place, getting things done, I go out of my way to do things.  Every day a slap a smile on my face eventhough I'm in pain and work myself to death.  I stay over my shift if it is busy so I don't leave anyone behind.  Well, anyway, I get repremanded for calling out.  People just DONT understand the kind of pain I am in and how I work everyday without complaint even though I may be holding back tears.  I came up with a work schedule that would be better for me.  I would work 4 10 hour days and day 1 to 2 days off in between 2 back to back work days.  I got told by my boss today that that is not a good idea because it would be harder to cover a 10 hour shift if I call out.  THE WHOLE PLAN OF ME MAKING THIS SCHEDULE IS TO CUT OUT MY CALLING OUT.  I would have a few days to rest and not have to work long 5 day stretches at a time.  I have a very stressful job (pharmacy tech) and with my Chron's it is getting difficult to work the 40 hour 5 day stretch.  People just don't understand how determined I am.  I have been with this company for almost 9 years now.   I feel I get no respect.  Anyway, thanks for listening.  I'm just so frustrated right now, I don't know what to do. 

FPO loreli115
Joined Jan 18, 2009

Thu, February 19, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for loreli115.

Thanks everyone!  I talked to my boss about my schedule and she agreed to try it.  She told me she wasn't trying to be mean or harsh to me about it.  So far it is going well, I have today and tomorrow off work and next week I am pretty much every other day. :)  Maybe this will work out for me.  Now, I'm just worried about having to start school again in the summer.  

FPO loreli115
Joined Jan 18, 2009

Tue, February 17, 2009 11:16 AM

 Reply posted for wparsak.

this sounds like a human resource issue, you need to contact that department for support in your company and find out what you rights are while you are trying to get your symptoms under control. good luck lisa

FPO jmom
Joined Feb 12, 2009

Tue, February 24, 2009 4:58 PM

 Reply posted for loreli115.

I dont think anyone can truly understand what it is like. My sons will be fifteen soon, anytime we miss a family function or leave somewhere early because he does not feel well everyone comments oh  do you have to go he cant feel that bad if they only knew . I dont have crohns but I cant imagine trying to work full time and deal with it just from seeing what my son goes through. Good Luck  people just dont get it.

FPO vberkey
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Fri, February 13, 2009 7:47 PM

 Reply posted for loreli115.

I understand how it feels to be "sooo" sick and have to call  work and tell them you are sick.  Sometimes it just can't be helped, you are not going to get better--when things are flaring for you--if you don't rest.  I don;t know if you have confided in anyone at work or let your boss know--but alot of people know "someone" with Crohn's and they immediately understand the complications that come with it.  I understand the need to "cover" for yourself but sometimes it may help to let them know.

 One thing that may help you is to "rest" your digestive system.  One thing I am finding is I feel better, if I stop eating milk products, sugary foods and bad carbohydrates (rice, corn, wheat products, etc).  Basically if you eat like someone with celiac's disease (eliminating gluten) you can feel better.  There are also some probiotics on the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) that will help the balance in your system. It gets back to eating meat, nuts, veggies, fruit that are "good" items on the diet.   The website is:  check this site for a list of legal/illegal foods .  I am just beginning the diet but looking for relief for my son (14 yrs, dx 09/08) and myself (dx 11/96).  My sister found gradual relief after 1-3 weeks while eliminating fresh milk, eliminating gluten (bread, crackers,cereal, etc), as well as, potatoes, and rice. 

Wishing you the best of luck. Take care of yourself so you can get better.     

FPO fushiastarz
Joined Sep 5, 2008

Fri, February 13, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for loreli115.

I feel your pain.  Sounds like your managers need to get a grip.  I also have had panic attacks that started since my diagnosis of Chrons' 6 years ago.  They are no fun.  Working in pain all the time isn't easy.  From one pain-ridden "Chron's" to another....hang in there

FPO wparsak
Joined Feb 12, 2009

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