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triathalon / ironman

Sun, February 15, 2009 1:00 AM

I was diagnosed with Crohn's last November and am now on 6-MP because Asacol was giving me a horrible reaction.  Luckily my crohn's is mostly localized to my large intestine, so I don't have as bad of symptoms as a lot of you do.  But anyway, because of a combination of being on an immunosuppressant and lower back pain issues, I left the crew team at my college.  Honestly, it sucked and I miss it unbelievably.  But at the same time I know that being exposed to the elements in early spring when water is literally freezing to your clothes, oar, and seat tracks that I would basically be doomed to being sick all the time.  But I'm already in pretty decent shape and have come to run 6.5-13 miles a day and am on a 12-week weight lifting schedule.  Obviously if I'm tired I take a day off and don't sweat about it.  But I want to be training for something rather than just working out to stay in shape.  Before being diagnosed I was thinking of doing marathons or triathalons, but maybe long-term I could do an Ironman (2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles cycling, 26.2 miles running).  I know it would be a lot of trianing but I've always kind of wanted to do something that really pushed my limits, and obviously an Ironman is arguably the ultimate test of mental and physical endurance.  I know I'd have to talk everything over with my doctor before I got serious about all of this, but I was just wondering what everyone else out there thinks about it.  I'd love to hear your opinion whether it be positive or negative.

FPO heckyeah09
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Tue, March 03, 2009 12:25 AM

 Reply posted for heckyeah09.

I actually rowed stroke seat for a lot of races and practices too.  I rowed for Boston College before I hit my flare up.  We're a club sport, so I totally understand how much work it is to put a team together.  That's impressive.  It's true though, that once you're in a flare-up you have to let it run its course, but now I'm ready to fight back and do something with myself.  I used to run cross country and track, which is why running a half-marathon would be more of a harder practice for me.  But if you're not used to running that's a HUGE accomplishment.  I just kind of want to go for it and put it all out there and see what I'm made of, which is why I think the Ironman would be a goal for me.

FPO heckyeah09
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Mon, February 23, 2009 10:43 PM

 Reply posted for heckyeah09.

The exact same thing happened to me! I was the captain and stroke seat of my college's crew team and had to quit in the middle of my last season when I was first getting diagnosed. I've played a lot of sports but I miss rowing more than anything. I've never been a big runner but I just signed up for the CCFA Team Challenge half marathon in Napa. This will be a huge accomplishment for me since long distance running is so new to me. I say go for it. To me this half marathon is about  finding a way to fight back. My symptoms in the past month have made me feel so helpless, there's no way to fight back when you're in the middle of a really bad flare, you've just got to let it run its course. This half marathon is my way to finally fight back. If you've found something that you love, go for it. Just be aware of your body and realistic about resting and recovering. More power to you!

By the way, what school did you row for? A friend of mine and I started our team at Warren Wilson College from the ground up. But we had amazing volunteer coaches including occasional cameos by Ted Nash Sr. the US olympic men's coach, the fastest boat in the world...AMAZING to say the least.

FPO riley
Joined Jan 20, 2009

Mon, February 16, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for heckyeah09.

I was diagnocsed in 2007 but living with symptoms since about 200 before a final diagnosos was made.  I also had 1 meter of small intestine removed in 2007.  That being said I enjoy doing sprint triathlons.  I am an avid runner swimmer and cyclist however, like you I too take breaks when not feeling well.  Also like you I am not as bad as condition as others in this forum.  So, I say go for it! If you are up to doing an Ironman that is fantastic.  My next goal is to do an Olympic distance tri,  Maybe I will reach Kona one day for an Ironman but It makes me feel great when I compete.

best of luck and keep us posted

FPO josh29152
Joined Feb 16, 2009

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