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Mon, February 16, 2009 1:00 AM

Is anyone exhausted ALL the time? I take caffeine pills and vitamins. I have had all my blood tests come back normal. Doctors can't figure out why I am tired all the time. Even when I sleep in on weekends I still have trouble staying up past 9 pm, let alone going out and doing things throughout the day. Any ideas?

FPO laurenc13183
Joined Mar 11, 2008

Tue, March 03, 2009 9:59 PM

 Reply posted for LaurenC13183.

Fatigue, which Crohn's, in my opinion, go hand in hand.  Because this disease affects your immune system, when you are in a flare up stage, your defenses are not as strong as they used to be and we fatigue much faster.  I, too, have cut out all caffeine, almost no sugar, raw veggies, etc., and still find it difficult to get out of bed, except to go to work.  And because I am on a medication that supresses my immune system, I am prey for any type of infections out there.  I was told by my GI doctor, because of the effect of the medication and the immune system, even doubling up on vitamins, etc., really doesn't help much. 

Hang in there - I keep telling myself, this HAS to get better. 

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Sat, February 21, 2009 5:59 PM

 Reply posted for LaurenC13183.

I too am exhausted.  Sometimes I feel like all I do is work and sleep.  A friend recommended I start a journal of what I'm eating, doing, and feeling, to watch for patterns.  Good luck or should I say good night, (I'm going to bed).

FPO harp
Joined Feb 21, 2009

Wed, February 18, 2009 4:24 PM

 Reply posted for LaurenC13183.

It's kind of weird.  I actually wake up every morning at 5:50 to get to the gym at 6:00.  There I usually run 7 miles or so and then do about 45 minutes of lifting, alternating muscle groups.  But after working out I ALWAYS find that I have an energy boost.  Even if I just go out an jog a few miles I get an energy boost.  I also take a B vitamin supplement which I found kind of helps keep my energy level up for most of the day.  Every once in a while though I feel completely exhausted, but that's very unusual.  Even light exercise such as going for a walk should help give you energy.

FPO heckyeah09
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Wed, February 18, 2009 12:30 PM

 Reply posted for sthyche.

Currently taking 9 x 500mg pentasa a day & also taking mebeverine. Started on prednisolone but got really jittery & freaky after 2 weeks. Stating on budesonide (think it's called entocort in the US) tomorrow.

FPO marzipan
Joined Feb 16, 2009

Tue, February 17, 2009 4:51 PM

 Reply posted for marzipan.

Are you taking steroids?  I am taking 40mg and am also exhausted -

Stephanie (currently in the middle of a 6-month flare and planning for surgery!)

FPO sthyche
Joined Feb 11, 2009

Tue, February 17, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for LaurenC13183.

Yeah, I never seem to have any energy & I too have to go to bed at around 9 to 9.30pm a lot of the time. My GI Dr advised me to cut all caffeine out of my diet (haven't had any caffeine for almost 4 months now - not that cutting it out of my diet has eased my symptoms at all). Not sure how to overcome the fatigue. When my symptoms haven't been  *too* bad, I've tried taking gentle exercise such as going for a walk (the idea being that if I exercise, I'll have more energy). Unfortunately the result has been that I need to sleep when I get home. I've been in a flare up for 6 months now & am currently not responding to medication.

Hope we start to pick up soon. x

FPO marzipan
Joined Feb 16, 2009

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