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How long can a flare-up last?

Mon, February 23, 2009 11:53 AM

I have been having a flare-up for 5 months now and the pain and  diarhea seem to be getting worse.i am taking 3 asacols twice a day and mesalamine enemas every other night. I went to the er last week cause i have a new kind of pain, it feels like I am being stabbed from the inside right near my belly-button. I was diagnosed  with uc in feb. of 2008 and I was ok until oct. 2008 then  its been *** ever since. Is it normal to have a flare-up for this long and shouldnt it be getting better not worse?

FPO butterfly1
Joined Jan 26, 2009

Sat, March 07, 2009 2:36 PM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

My daughter (diagnosed UC on Lialda and Azathioprine) took the enemas that made her feel worse but I know everyone is different.  Are you on any probiotics?  My daughter is taking Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion and is feeling so much better.  (Also is taking Women's One a Day) Also she is changing her diet.  Cutting out soda, processed sugars and processed foods and limiting wheat and dairy.  It's hard but she feels so much better. 

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Sat, March 07, 2009 12:37 PM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

FYI if the pain is to the left of your belly button, ask your doctor if your abdominal lymph nodes could possibly be enlarged.  Mine have been abnormal for 2 years, but apparently not enough to worry about and the last Ultrasound done showed them normal size.

Just a thought.........

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Fri, March 06, 2009 4:51 PM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

My flare lasted for 4 years and ended when I had my entire colon and rectum removed.  I had the j-pouch surgery and for the most part  am doing ok.

FPO mags1
Joined Apr 29, 2008

Fri, February 27, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

When I was first diagnosed last February, I had been in a flare for about 6 months without knowing what was making me sick. I didn't get better until I was hospitalized this past November because my blood pressure was so low that I almost had heart failure. At that point the Gastroenterologist on call at the hospital put me on Prednisone and I took it for 8 weeks. It put me into remission for about 3 months but last week I started feeling ill again. I'm in another flare now so I'm going to see my Doc and try and get back on the Prednisone since it worked like a miracle the first time and I'm hoping it will again. I think flares, like everything with this disease, are pretty individual and all depends on how well your body responds to the meds.


Good luck!

FPO moogan83
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Thu, February 26, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

I've been in a flare since about or slightly before November of 2007.

FPO da gassman
Joined Jan 10, 2009

Wed, February 25, 2009 12:34 AM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

My 18 year old daughter was diagnosed with UC 2 years ago.  She started out with Asacol and enemas but still experienced blood.   She has been on many meds and is currently on 4 Lialda pills and 3 1/2 tablets of Azathioprine.  She was having "stabbing" pain also when she was only on 2 Lialda pills per day so the doctor upped the Lialda to 4 pills per day.  I think you will have to call the doctor and the doctor will have to find the right "combo" of pills for you to take.  Since Azathioprine takes about 3 months to "kick in,"  my daughter was on 10 mg of Pred for about 3 months.  She was also on Flagyl for 10 days and Canasa suppositories for 2 weeks.  My daughter also goes for blood tests every 3 months.  Good luck and you will get better soon.  Keep us posted what the doctor says.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Wed, February 25, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

Not to scare you but, i have been in my flare for 2 years, I dont think the length of mine is very usual, I think my UC is really severe case.

FPO mrsmillan
Joined Dec 28, 2008

Tue, February 24, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for butterfly1.

i have only just been diagnosed recently with UC but my current flare-up has been going on since the end of october. i'm also taking asacol and hoping it helps soon. hope you feel better soon!

FPO aimee
Joined Feb 16, 2009

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