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Lasik eye surgery

Wed, February 25, 2009 12:44 AM

Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone here that has been living with either Crohns or colitis has had laser eye surgery to correct vision (elective surgery).  I recently had an appointment where they told me that I would be a  candidate for the surgery base on my overall eye health.  But given that I am not a typical case (36 yeas old, Crohn's for 16+ years now) I wondered if anyone else had experience any problems or success with this type of surgery.

Thanks so much,


FPO myhippocket
Joined Feb 24, 2009

Sun, March 08, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for grammycarol.

Hi folks,
Well, I went thru with it and had the lasik (interlase) eye surgery done on Feb 26 - 10 days ago now.  All has gone really well so far, can see clearly (measured at 20/20 vision 5 days afer surgery).  No pain, no infection, no night vision problems.  All in all I found it very anticlimactic - which is a good thing.  I was of course nevous about he actual procedure which could not have taken more than 10 minutes from the time they put the freezing drops in to the time I was out fo the operating room.  Amazing.

Here are few links to scientific papers that deal with autoimmune diseases and lasik that I came across in my research.  It's only the summary of the article (you can buy the whole thing if you like) but the summary tells you all you need to know.
Hopefully this helps others make an informed decision if they are considering lasik.

FPO myhippocket
Joined Feb 24, 2009

Wed, February 25, 2009 4:44 PM

 Reply posted for myhippocket.

I actually had the surgery done 4 yrs ago........I did have Crohns but didn't know it at the time.

I am not sure why it matters.....unless the meds you are taking makes it risky.  They give you valium to help you relax....but nothing else. You fell NOTHING when they do it.

They numb your eye with several rounds of drops.  I did feel pressure but nothing big.  It took about 3 minutes an eye. I would highly recommend having it done.....

Good luck....Grammyo2

FPO grammycarol
Joined Aug 3, 2008

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