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mouth sores

Mon, March 02, 2009 8:09 PM

I wondered if anyone else has experienced the sores on the inside of your mouth from your Crohn's and if so what medicine has helped?

FPO marilyn60
Joined Feb 22, 2009

Wed, March 04, 2009 12:03 PM

 Reply posted for EZ.

EZ, I have taken different supplements as different points of my healing.  I am also watch my diet very closely.  I also see a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (Chiropractor) who has specializes in GI issues since she has had GI issues herself.  She has been most helpful. Here is the quick summary.

Stated on 9 colozol a day +suppositories.  3-6 loose BM everyday morning and during the day.  Been like that for 3 years after PRED.

Initial healing 1-3 months.  Candida diet + had to be SCD Legal.  Natural antifungals, GSE, other good gut supplements, probiotics all part of a package called BIOCLEAR from biobotanical research, digestive enzymes, Omega 3 fish oils.  BMs solid in 2 weeks.  No more Suppositories

Months 4-6 SCD diet without diary.  Omega 3, probiotic, digestive enzymes,  Got down to 5 colozol per day.  BMs great.

 Months 6-9.  Started adding brown and wild rice, buckwheat. No gluten, omega 3 and tried SCD yogurt and store bought yogurt.  I did not make it right and stop talking probiotics and tried getting probiotics from food. 

Big set back month 10, looser stools, cramping, little eczema.  Eliminated Diary, Eggs had become a problem along with a few other foods.  Added antioxidant supplement, still on omega3, 5 strains of probiotics, calcium. 9 colozol per day.

Month 11-14 or today.  Antioxidant supplement, still on omega3, 5 strains of probiotics, calcium.  9 colozol per day.  Found home water was bothering me.  Switched to distilled 100%.  BMs are back to 1 maybe 2 formed BMs per day.  No more cramping.  I’m slowly but surely getting much better.

FPO patman75
Joined Feb 8, 2009

Tue, March 03, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for patman75.

Hi Patman75,

Is there a particular vitamin suppliment you use or do you just watch the foods you eat?  This is very interesting.  My daughter has UC and her doctor thinks she has bacterial overgrowth which he said is very common in UC patients and he recommends Ultimate Flora Critical Care.   I had Epstein Barr and I read the book "The Yeast Connection" and started taking Acidophilous suppliments and felt much better.  Thanks in advance.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Tue, March 03, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for marilyn60.

It could be Candida.  50-70% of people with crohns have issues with it.

From the CCFA website

(see table 1)

How to get better from too much this


FPO patman75
Joined Feb 8, 2009

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