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To go on leave or not?

Tue, March 03, 2009 1:00 AM

I need help in how to approach this decision. I am struggling with deciding whether or not to go on extended leave from work.  I have UC which started in 2001, and I am now 43.  I have worked through all of my flare-ups, suffering through and only occasionally leaving work early.  My current flare started in September, becoming "severe" in November, as I became resistant to prednisone This resulted in a 5-day hospitalization in December to try and induce remission w/ IV steroids (which did not work either). I became anemic in November, and despite 2 blood transfusions, I'm still anemic.  I'm now taking Humira, azathioprine, sulfazine, and rowasa.  I've been working half days, trying to transition back to work full time, but I am not nearly productive as I was, which makes me feel inadequate and stressed.  My job is a very difficult and stressful one (urban high school assistant principal) and I'm torn between an the one hand wanting to work as much as I can to stay active, not overburden my coworkers, and because of my commitment to work, and on the other hand thinking that maybe continuing to work is contributing to my condition deteriorating. I guess it also calls into question whether I need to change jobs or career choice. I have lots of sick leave, so that's not the issue.  Please help.  I feel like I'm in an existential crisis.

How do other people know when to scale back, and when to go on medical leave???

FPO pancha
Joined Dec 29, 2008

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for pancha.

Your job does sound stressful, but staying at home and focusing on your illness may not be too pleasant either.  Also, do you NEED that job financially?  In the present economic climate, it's difficult to change careers.  And you want to make sure you always have access to health insurance--you're a long way off from Medicare.

Let us know what you decide.  It's a very personal decision.

FPO je
Joined Dec 3, 2008

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