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exercise & prednisone

Tue, March 03, 2009 9:36 PM

I've been told by my physician that I shouldn't exercise vigorously while on prednisone, and that any exercise I do should be low-impact.  I'm not sure why.  I'm on 20 mg/day right now, and I want to run, jump rope, lift weights, and do martial arts, as usual.  Has anybody had any problems with vigorous exercise while taking prednisone?

FPO je
Joined Dec 3, 2008

Fri, March 06, 2009 10:29 PM

 Reply posted for JE.

I was on prednisone for a while.  I started at 20 mg / day and gradually decreased my dosage.  I was in a bad flare-up when I initially started to I didn't exercise at all.  But I'm the type of person that works out all the time anyway, mostly running and weight lifting, so when I felt better I started working out again as usual.  If you're in a flare-up or recovering from one it would probably be best to give your body a rest and take it easy for a while.  But as your dosage goes down you probably build up what you're doing in terms of workouts.  Just don't think you're totally fine and go to the gym and over work yourself.  Don't worry though, eventually you'll be fine and back to working out as normal.  I never really had problems with prednisone and working out though.

FPO heckyeah09
Joined Nov 23, 2008

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