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complications from UC/Crohns

Wed, March 04, 2009 1:00 AM

Hello everyone,

I've had UC for 11 years now.I'm waiting on my colonoscopy as soon as my cardio sends my medical clearance to my GI.I'm suppose to be on lialda once daily. but I stopped it (bad I know) because of how I've been feeling. I started taking it on sunday. and about 1am monday morning I started getting excrutiating abdominal pain, to the point where It felt like i could catch my breath. it went on for the whole day, untill i went in to see my gastro. the pain eventually  went away,but now theres this tenderness on the right upper side of my abdomen and I cant walk straight up,i'm slouched alittle. I have to go in for a ultrasound tomorrow,because my doctor thinks it might be my gall bladder. mind you, I 've had these pains before in the past while on colozal,and it never ended like this.this is really scary for me. has anyone ever had any complications from UC or Crohns? what could this be? thank you.


FPO dawn28789
Joined Mar 4, 2009

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for ACA11.

thank you so much. I went for my ultrasound this morning. the GI will get the results within 48 hours. I do feel a little better. when i walk it hurts a little,i'll have to stop and rest. but it's still not as severe as it was yesterday. my GI also had put me on a bland diet...he didn't say how long. but I'm continuing it untill i feel 100% or as long as I can tolerate it. believe me, I need the fluids anyway.

FPO dawn28789
Joined Mar 4, 2009

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for dawn28789.

It very well could be gall bladder.  My first GI doctor (if you want to call him that) found gallstones in me April 2007 and it took them until October 2008 to take my gallbladder out.  It made a difference.  But now, I really have to watch what I eat because of the liver now producing all the bile without the help of the gall bladder. 

Since my surgery, I can no longer eat red meats and a host of other things.  People tell me that eventually I will, yet these folks don't have Crohn's either. 

I hope your visit will answer some more questions for you and you will soon be pain-free.  We're rooting for you!!!!

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

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