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Mon, June 15, 2009 12:00 AM

Hey guys,

My names Tom Stewart the founder of

I have Crohn's myself so I understand to some extent the daily problems people can and do face.

The goal of the site is to act as one massive community driven blog with as many authors as possible all speaking about their specific experiences with IBD. Crohn’s, Colitis and all other IBD related problems are mainly anti-social in their very nature. So whats better than trying to combat these issues by starting up a new community driven website where people will be able to contact each other and discusses the problems only people with IBD disease can really understand.

What I'm trying to do with is get people to come and blog on their experiences with Crohn's and Colitis. has been designed to help people communicate with other people in simlar situations, and to allow people to tell their personal stories.

But for all of this to happen we need people to join the blogging team!

User accounts will be set-up by myself upon request and I’ll personally show people how to use wordpress to publish articles to the website. If you would like to contact me directly then please use the contact form on our contact page, which can be found at

Also if you use MSN add me

If you have any questions then please fire away happy

(p.s. the site is still under development, but the blog homepage is ready to roll!)



FPO tom stewart
Joined Jun 15, 2009

Tue, June 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for NJgal.

I'm sure it will :)

Thanks for your comments!

FPO tom stewart
Joined Jun 15, 2009

Tue, June 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Tom Stewart.

While its always good to have choices, it sounds an awful like this site...where we can blog, tell our stories and solicit opinions....good luck with your site...I'm sure it will be a great place to "blog".

FPO njgal
Joined Jul 26, 2008

Mon, June 15, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for NJgal.

We are a blog, where people can have their stories featured on the main home page of the site.

But not just any blog, we want to create one super blog with lots of authors all giving their own opinions and view points on their personal conditions.

FPO tom stewart
Joined Jun 15, 2009

Mon, June 15, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Tom Stewart.


   While I appluade your help in the cause...but it looks as if your site mirrors this one. What sets yours apart from CCFA?  What will we gain from splitting websites?


FPO njgal
Joined Jul 26, 2008

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