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What life?

Mon, June 15, 2009 5:20 PM

How can I live an normal life like before. I am ready to drop out of school and life. This is not life been sick all the time. What life? My food coming up now and I hurt all over i hate it and my stomach hurt. What a life!!

FPO rose07042k
Joined Jun 1, 2009

Mon, June 29, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for rose07042k.

I have Ulcerative Colitis as well, and it is hard. You can't do anything but sit on the toilet half the time, and when you aren't you are still in pain. I know how it is, but I am learning to cope with it and try to control it. I wish you the best of luck with this. :)

FPO mariojimmy
Joined Jun 29, 2009

Thu, June 25, 2009 4:28 PM

 Reply posted for rose07042k.

I saw a new doctor a few days ago and he took me off some of the meds he said those meds were making me more sick, with my stomach. He seems to be a great doctor one who listen and speak back to me.  I maybe put back to sleep to see what is going on inside me, which is ok by me. Today is a good day for me, not a great day but a good day.

FPO rose07042k
Joined Jun 1, 2009

Thu, June 25, 2009 4:21 PM

 Reply posted for Kingofbeats.


FPO rose07042k
Joined Jun 1, 2009

Thu, June 25, 2009 4:20 PM

 Reply posted for GarysGuts.


FPO rose07042k
Joined Jun 1, 2009

Tue, June 23, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for GarysGuts.

I meant to mention if you ever need to talk (or anyone else for that matter), I'm always happy to lend an ear either through e-mail or over the phone.  You can e-mail me at

FPO garysguts
Joined Jun 21, 2009

Mon, June 22, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for rose07042k.

It is easy to lose all hope.  To forget what normal even feels like.  You're certainly not alone in your despair.  I hope that you can find a crutch to lean on through this community.

I'm not going to lie and say that things will only get better from here, but they will get better.  There may be a time when they get worse, but they will get better.

Ten years from my diagnosis and I'm feeling great, but I still remember the days where I thought I would never feel healthy again.  I know it is little comfort, but I realize that I emerged from those hardships a stronger person, and I'm glad that I went through it.

I pray for the day that you feel the same way, but I remember that no matter how many people told me all that stuff I just told you, I didn't believe any of it.

I had to adjust my school plans, but I did finish.  Your life might not turn out exactly how you always planned it, but it wasn't going to anyway!


Have faith, be strong, best of luck.  Gary

FPO garysguts
Joined Jun 21, 2009

Wed, June 17, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kingofbeats.

I have chronic colitis. And i am to see a new doctor, maybe there is hope after all, I hope.

FPO rose07042k
Joined Jun 1, 2009

Mon, June 15, 2009 6:02 PM

 Reply posted for rose07042k.

Life sure changes when u have crohn's... I had months of time when I could do little more than lay on the couch with extreme stomach pains.. ( what I can only imagine girls feel when they have cramps do to.. yeah that stuff lol)

Do not lose hope.. there is medicines out there.. and it is controllable.. it may take time.. but it can happen.  Hope that u find this helpful!!

do not let life get the best of you!!

FPO kingofbeats
Joined Jun 15, 2009

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