Hello there,
I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions about a sweet and/or a goodie to have to eat. I never was a big ice cream eater but I did enjoy frozen yogurt once in a while. In this hot weather ice cream would be delicious right now!! I was wondering if sherbert was okay. I'm staying away from dairy so I'm looking for any suggestions. Thanks!
Reply posted for brianallen.
It sounds like you're craving something cold and sweet to beat the heat! Sherbet is a great dairy-free option, and there are so many delicious flavors to choose from. It's interesting that you mentioned ice cream and frozen yogurt, especially in the context of the hot weather. It's almost like the universe is sending you a message! Speaking of which, have you ever heard of angel numbers? They're believed to be messages from the angels, guiding and supporting us. Maybe there's a special meaning behind your cravings!
Reply posted for ngc249.
Remember that the artificial sweetener they use in sugar free stuff can have a laxative effect. Too much and it's back to the porcelain throne.
Reply posted for ngc249.
Fortunately for me. lactose is not a problem. Gluten is my problem. I can eat ice cream, yogurt and sherbet. I make rice pudding and do well with that. I do a lot of rice to compensate for the lack of pasta. I limit my bread intake. After my second bowel resection, I was told that nothing that I eat will bring on a flare, food will only aggravate the Crohns. I eat a handful of dark chocolate chips every nite. If it ever cools off in Arizona, I may put them in cookies. I eat no fresh fruits or veggies. Mr Dr. said that he didn't think melons would cause an obstruction so I could try them Well, they caused other problems, so I chose not to go there anymore. I live a fairly active life. I go to the pool to walk at least 4 days a week. I wait 2 hours after I eat. That gives the food a chance to either stay with me or leave me at home. The only suggestion I can give regarding food is, if you try something do it in small amounts and if it sets well today wait 2 days before you try again and wait 2 weeks before you increase the amount. Good Luck, this is not an easy disease to live with. I've been doing it since 1964. Marilyn
Reply posted for ngc249.
If you figure out what fruits you can eat try freezing them for a delightful treat. I love frozen grapes, but frozen watermelon is also really good.
Reply posted for ngc249.
I have found that sorbet (made with no milk) has been a wonderful treat. Ben & Jerry's has several wonderful flavors. Mango is my favorite. There is also some other brands at the grocery store that also make sorbet.
When I'm really sick and want something sweet Angel Food Cake always hits the spot too.
Reply posted for ngc249.
ngc, the only thing I do to stay in remission is stay away from greasy foods and still cannot eat lettuce more than 1 small salad 1 time a week. I have not been on any meds for 4 yrs now except Fiber capsules and imodium as needed. But then I am 55 yrs old and am glad I am finally able to plan things around my schedule and not the toilet. So hang in there.
Reply posted for Mooly123.
Thanks, I'm going to give it a shot! I haven't had a lot of luck finding the Lactaid ice cream but I'll keep on looking.
Reply posted for ngc249.
Before my Crohn's "came out" I use to love dairy and would drink milk straight from the jug. Now I try to avoid it as much as possible, but my real life-saver has been making shakes with Lactaid ice cream and Lactaid milk. Breaking up the lactose makes the products sweeter (not a fan of just drinking the Lactaid milk), but in a shake it doesn't matter.
Reply posted for mrsoz.
Thanks for the input. You must be doing something right!!! Congratulations on your remission. I'm in the middle of a lousy flare up!! What are you doing to manage, cure, keep under control your disease?
Reply posted for ngc249.
I am a Crohns patient and also a type 2 diabetic. I have found that the frozen fruit juice bars are an excellant way to take care of a sweet tooth. You just need to look at the package to see what the sugar and Carbs are, as some are sweeter than others. The big plus is they come in a decent variety of flavors. Every thing from Grape to Pomegranite.
Hope this helps
just confirmed in total remission no sign of crohns after 30 yrs
Reply posted for ngc249.
Hey, can u eat soy ice cream. Got no dairy milk, just make out of soybean. There're many flavors to choice from. Hope this help u out
Reply posted for ngc249.
nilla wafers! they don't have milk in them.
i'm a big fan of the pina colada slurpee too. i drink them aaaall the time but am have been out of town for over a month ans there are no 7elevens here. it's not too sweet and doesn't make you feel that sick (just kind of full from all that slurpee in your tummy). the blue raspberry however, doesn't always sit as well.
Reply posted for ngc249.
Oh an if you are worried about fruits, you can probably try eating some of them without their skins (apples, pears, etc). Canned fruit is said to be good for people with IBD.
Reply posted for ngc249.
Sherbet should be fine, as it's mostly made from juices, and has no dairy. If you're just lactose intolerant - there are lactose free ice cream flavors, and it's good. But you said you are off dairy, so maybe if you have fun with fruits, yogurt, cookies. It's all what about what your stomach can handle too
Reply posted for ngc249.
It's sad, but it's all trial and error. I can do sugar free pudding, but again, very little and not often.
Here are the fruits I can have and when I have them, I don't mix fruits. Stick with that one for the day. I don't eat bananas, they don't like me the majority of the time, but can have say pancakes with some sliced banana on it.
Apples (sweet) Applesauce Apricots Avocado Berries (sweet) Cherries (sweet) Coconut Dates Figs Grapes (red/purple) Limes |
Mangoes (ripe) |
Reply posted for ACA11.
Hi. I am slowly introducing fruits. So far I can tolerate bananas, small amounts of watermelon and cantaloupe. I wonder about sugar free pudding. I'm so afraid of the dairy. Thanks!
Reply posted for ngc249.
If I watch the sugar content, I can do just a little bit every now and then. I usually do frozen yogurt or sherbert. I can also do sugar free ice cream, but it's not something I want often enough. Can you do any fruits? I am on a plum kick right now, have one a day and it curbs my desire for that gooey cinammon roll covered in icing.