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Exhausted......physically, mentally, emotionally.....have colitis

Fri, May 28, 2010 11:05 PM

I have colitis.....I cannot even get the energy to clean my house...........we live in a pig husband is very sick and I have to do extra to help him.....he cannot do anything to help me........I see no end in sight......Im sooooo tired ..................

FPO taw
Joined Oct 24, 2009

Fri, August 13, 2010 10:47 AM

 Reply posted for Audrey824.

I'm the same boat too. I'm 24, and I have Crohn's, a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, and esoinophilic esophagitis. I take more pills than an elderly person a day, and I'm continually exhausted, and living in a constant flare. I try to make plans with friends to get my mind off the disease, and end up having to cancel because I'm so sick the day of. I think what I've come to hate more than anything are the people who say, "You're too young to be so sick!" I KNOW THIS. I don't want to be sick and I would give anything to wake up and just feel fine and lead a normal life. I feel like I'm taking criticism and blame for not having my Crohn's under control, even though I practically live at my doctors' offices, I take all my meds, I keep a food diary - I try really hard! I feel like I'm never doing a good enough job anywhere - I know I'm not doing as well as I could be at work and I feel guilty for taking sick time even though I have a really understanding supervisor, then I feel bad when I have to bail on my friends, and I have to work to pay bills, so I can't just stay home and rest either for my body. It's a vicious circle to not feel well continously and feel like no one understands either. I don't know anyone else personally that has this to talk to. If anyone would be interested in being e-mail pals for support, contact me at Thanks!

FPO rachelp1985
Joined Mar 22, 2010

Thu, August 12, 2010 1:34 PM

Exhausted......physically, mentally, emotionally.....have colitisI can so relate!  Im a 33 year old single mom.  I want to go out and do things with my kids but Im scared to leave the house.  The most frustrating part to me is that I have good days but I never know when one is coming so I cant plan for it.  So after a day of sitting around the house I think, "Oh, I didnt have any problems today.  We could have..."  so I get ambitious for the next day and spend the first four hours of that day in the bathroom and the next four hours sleeping!  Im not sure if Im more tired or more bored.

That said, there was a link somewhere on the ccfa website of where you could find help too.  It hard when family and friends just dont get it and think youre lazy.  Another resource is she stresses that you can do anything for 15 minutes (and sometimes that means 3-5minute intervals!) and that were not aiming for perfection in housework.  That has helped me immensely.

FPO yell0wpanda
Joined Aug 9, 2010

Mon, August 02, 2010 11:40 AM

 Reply posted for taw.

I know exactly how you guys feel. I'm also 22 and was diagnosed with colitis when I was 19. It is so hard for me to leave the house most of the time. Sometimes i think i am having a good day, and i can finally go down the street to go grocery shopping, and then have to turn around and run home because they don't have a toilet and there are no bushes nearby. I moved to Austria to be with my boyfriend and go to school, as well as take advantage of their inexpensive health insurance. I am on some good medication right now but it still isn't perfect. I told my mom before i left that i would go see as many operas as i could, but i am lucky if i even make it to the building, and there is no way i can sit through a 4 hour opera. My boyfriend thinks I'm boring and lazy now, because i never want to do anything, but truthfully, i am just too exhausted to even go for a walk. I just finished a round of iron pills too. A four hour nap in the middle of the afternoon is nothing to me. We were supposed to go dancing and go out to eat and enjoy our youth, but i simply can't and it's driving me crazy, as well as quite boring. Even if i suck it up and go somewhere and try to forget about it, it's always in the back of my mind, and then it attacks and i have to run and find a toilet, which is almost impossible in Europe!

Anyway, best of luck to you all! Thanks for letting my whine. It's so nice to be able to relate to other people on here.

FPO audrey824
Joined Feb 5, 2010

Tue, July 27, 2010 8:42 PM

 Reply posted for krj22.

I am also 22, and I haven't even been able to work all summer, because I cannot stay on my feet for over 2 hours at a time. The pain medication makes it even worse. I know how you feel.

FPO cpeters4773
Joined Jul 27, 2010

Thu, July 08, 2010 1:15 PM

 Reply posted for taw.

I know how you feel too. Have uc and need to rest more than anyone understands. Are you on meds. My doctor put me on Apriso and although not perfect, it is better than anything I tried. Get to a really good gastro who is willing to work with you and really understands. Sometimes you have to kiss lots of frogs before the right  one comes along. 

FPO mokie
Joined Apr 16, 2008

Sun, July 04, 2010 11:39 PM

 Reply posted for taw.

I know exactly how you feel. I'm 22 years old, I'm supposed to be at the prime of my life...and I am except...I have UC.

I'm tired all of the time...I need as much sleep to function as a year old baby haha. My parents think that I'm lazy when I don't do as much work as they think I should be doing, even though they know I'm sick.They just don't understand how wiped out I am...I have been living in an almost constant flare since March of this year.

I totally get it and know you aren't alone.


FPO krj22
Joined Jul 4, 2010

Sun, July 04, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for taw.

Hopefully you are feeling muuuuch better by now.  Looking into social services and community programs is a good suggestion.  Thank God I do not have a family right now because I spend a lot of time resting and YES, it's necessary.  You can only push yourself so far.  

I do suggest that on your good days, take advantage of them and get A LOT of stuff done that you usually can't address because you're too ill.  This will make you feel better about resting on the days that you need to rest and you will feel accomplished after you finish the tasks that you've had to postpone.  

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Wed, June 30, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Long road.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2006.  However, I have had arthritis for 51 years.  Apparently they are related diseases.  Yes I am exhausted.  It's hard to do anything but read, watch movies (on DVD) and sleep.  It becomes very frustrating when other people in the family talk about going to museums, plays, concerts,etc. and I just don't have the energy!

FPO azure1
Joined Jun 30, 2010

Wed, June 16, 2010 6:27 PM

Exhausted......physically, mentally, emotionally.....have colitisHope this letter finds you better then when you wrote your letter. I have had Crohns for 16 years and I have been around the block with it. But on your note you may want to get in touch with a doctor out of Wisconsin. His name is Dr. S he has had great results with colitis, crohns and est.  I have learned on my own and with help how to take care of my health with foods I eat. But every once and awhile I would have an issue so I went out last month to Wisconsin and learned a ton of things from him. It sounds like you have an issue with your adreanals, you sound like you are in stage three adreanal fatgue. But Im not a Doctor even so I do have alot of info on this if needed.      

FPO long road
Joined Jun 11, 2010

Sat, May 29, 2010 3:06 PM

 Reply posted for taw.

Have you tried going to Social Services or your local United Way?  I don't know what's available where you are but in my community there are several resources that could help someone in your situation.  It may depend on your age, income, and/or insurance, but it may be possible to get a nurse to come to your home to help you two out. 

FPO tobykai
Joined May 20, 2010

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