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Crohn's and exercise

Mon, June 21, 2010 12:00 AM

I've been a Crohn's survivor for 39 years and I have found exercise to one of my best ways to keep this disease in check.  I combine a cardiovascular work out with weight lifting and found that it reduces my stress which I believe has led to past flare-ups.  I've also paid a lot of attention to eating regularly and staying away from gluten whenever possible.  Let me know any of you out there that have had success with this regiment as well.


FPO jgonsman50
Joined Jun 19, 2010

Fri, September 17, 2010 9:44 AM

 Reply posted for dmac.


Thanks for the response.  Actually it helped motivate me to get in and work out today.  The weather here in Michigan is pretty dreary, just came off a lot of rain yesterday.  I sometimes really feel it in my bones and it makes it harder to get into the gym.  But yeah, I really feel bettor once I'm done.  Going through a lot of stresses right now from being un-employed for 3 going on 4 months now.  As you know stress is a good friend of Crohn's disease.  But exercise does seem to defuse stress pretty effectively.  Good luck with you and your Crohn's struggles.




FPO jgonsman50
Joined Jun 19, 2010

Thu, September 16, 2010 10:57 PM

 Reply posted for jgonsman50.

HI - I am new to Crohns but have noticed that on the weeks I exercise regular that I have less if any flare ups. So yes I think it helps.

FPO dmac
Joined Sep 16, 2010

Thu, September 09, 2010 1:02 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Thanks for the input.  I am not sure what to do next.  I am committed to give this 6mp a try for a little longer,  but am seriously going to try something else for the long term.  I have some "back to work" issues I need to get under control, and then I will start varying things.

Thanks Again 

FPO cyclelex
Joined Jul 23, 2010

Mon, September 06, 2010 8:18 PM

 Reply posted for JaneM.

Diagnosed in late 1998 with Crohn's, and the ONLY advice my gastro gave me was to get into better shape to help fight when Crohn's got me down.  Best advice any doctor ever said!  I got into weight training and Spinning, built up much more muscle mass and endurance, and have much less down-time after a flare.  Also helped keep my weight more stable - only a fifteen pound range between healthy and in the hospital.  The disease has progressed over the years, but I keep on working out....  Keeps my head clear, my body strong, and I love NOT looking sick!

FPO hfmarks
Joined Feb 9, 2010

Mon, August 16, 2010 8:01 AM

 Reply posted for jgonsman50.

Funny you say that. For the past 3 years any time i try to exercise, I have to stop in the middle and run to the bathroom. even if i have been feeling good. Meh!!!! I'm jealous! I feel flabby and lethargic and every few months I try again and same thing, it seems to irritate my gut.

FPO ot
Joined Jul 10, 2008

Fri, July 23, 2010 2:45 PM

 Reply posted for JaneM.

I am newly diagnosed with Crohns. 

Except for the attacks I would get every 6 months I felt great.  Now it seems to be getting worse.  I workout really hard (race bicycles  - 44 years old).  My wife told me to back off which I didn't want to listen too ( I guess I wasn't taking the disease serious enough until now).  Now all of sudden I am much weaker and can hardly do what I was doing just 3 weeks ago.  I think it is the Mp-6. 

Do these drugs make you weaker?  Will my body eventually adjust to the drug and feel strong again?  I don't feel like the disease is making me weak, but maybe it is?


FPO cyclelex
Joined Jul 23, 2010

Sat, July 03, 2010 6:24 PM

 Reply posted for JaneM.

I LOVE Bodybuilding, although i've been in a flare for 3 months and havn't been able to realy hit the gym as often as before. I train when i feel i can and rest when my body tells me. i do not look anywhere near as cut as i will but i've only been training for about 1 year. I used to train alot when i was in my early 20's. Now when i don't go to the gym and eat 6-8 meals a day i feel HORRIBLE. I take protein supplaments after i train and before bed. I also take a good multi and L-Glutamine. Train hard when you can and rest when needed!!!

FPO tomperez1971
Joined May 29, 2010

Thu, July 01, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for JaneM.


I really don't push myself to the exhaustion point but I do seem to feel bettor after the work-outs.  In my particular case, I seem to get stressed emotionally about things.  Guess that's just a fault in my personality.  The exercise calms me and helps me bettor control the crohn's.  I have had some good results with supplements I've been taking too. It is all natural and does help control inflammation.  Being that crohn's is a form of autoimmune (you know, where your body turns on itself)disease, inflammation is a major symptom of crohn's.  Control the inflammation and you pretty much control the crohn's.



FPO jgonsman50
Joined Jun 19, 2010

Wed, June 30, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for jgonsman50.

I also exercise (run, bike), but I am not sure if it helps or worsens my crohn's. I competed in a triathlon this past weekend and am still feeling tired from it.  I also am starting to flare and I wonder if they exercise and heat exacerbated the situation. 

Would love to hear how others manage exercising with crohn's and if they think exercise helps or hurts their crohn's.

FPO janem
Joined Apr 25, 2010

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