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What CAN I eat?

Mon, August 02, 2010 3:39 PM

I was in the hospital and diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2007. My doctor only told me to avoid coffee, alcohol and nuts. I have suffered for the last three years. I recently found a book that said not to have dairy, red meat...and lots of other stuff I've been eating. I feel like there's nothing left to eat. I survive on seedless Italian toast and yogurt.

I need a list or suggestions of what I can have instead of what I can't eat.



PS I'm very happy to have found this site!

FPO lisamariem
Joined Aug 2, 2010

Mon, August 16, 2010 5:44 PM

 Reply posted for LisaMarieM.

multi vitamin

soft whole wheat bread pepperidge farm with I can't believe its not butter



Canned tuna/ light mayo

Deli all natural chicken breast

swiss cheese

white rice

soft chicken tacos, I grind chicken in food processor

turkey subs, pickles, onions, tomatoes, swiss, (Subway)

Salads, with balsamic and olive oil

fresh very firm broccoli

chicken soup, homemade, celery carrots, rice, chicken bouillon


popcorn!!!!!!! yes I can eat it

the only sweet I eat is Edy's fruit bars

These are the foods I eat, with no bleeding, Bathroom about 2 to 4 times a day. always twice in the first 30 minutes I get up. I also take 3 colazals a day.

with the foods that really bother me I get a burning in my right side. Chocolate, soft cheese, sugar. With others that aren't so obvious, I will feel it the next day. I will feel discomfort in the rectum. If I feel this I use prep h ointment

That is my menu and routine, I work 40-60 hours labor a week, so it's working for me. who knows about next week though!


FPO wrongway
Joined Aug 15, 2010

Sat, August 07, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for LisaMarieM.

My daughter was diagnosed with UC 3 1/2 years ago.  She is currently on Lialda, Azathioprine, 1 probiotic called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion, 1 Women's One a Day and 1 Oscal vitamin per day.  She watches her diet.  Her current IBD specialist said lots of UC patients have "bacteria overgrowth" and probiotics help.  He said to stay away from sugars which cause bacteria overgrowth in UC patients.  Alan's post has great suggestions.  My daughter is allgeric to fish but salmon is great (omega 3 is great for UC).  My daughter stays away from meat.  She'll eat chicken, if she eats meat at all, she'll eat more grounded up meats not steak and meat that is hard to digest.  Rule of thumb, if you can eat the food with a spoon (not a fork) it may be ok.  She stays away from all junk foods.  It's really basically eating foods that your grandma would recognize as foods.  Not foods in cans, frozen foods, foods that have all these preservatives that make her sick.  She has 2 books...SCD Diet, and The New Eating Right for a Bad Gut. 

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

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