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Sat, August 07, 2010 6:36 PM

I am a 49 year old woman that was diagnosed with Ulceritive Colitis some 25+ years ago.  I was married when I was 24 and we had a daughter when I was 31.  And luckily enough able to work outside of the home, at least until about 6 years ago.  My colitis has been active more than not over these past several years.  I take Prednisone and it eventually puts it back in remission, but then a couple weeks-months later, it starts up again, for absolutely no reason.  I was very fortunate in that the company I've worked for, for the past 14 years, set me up with a laptop and allowed me to work from home.  At least until this past January 2010, the company has made hundreds of job cuts and unfortunately I was one of them.  I have now been unemployed since 1/1/10.  I've been applying for many jobs with no luck so far.  But, now my colitis has started up again 2 weeks ago, I've been taking Prednisone, but doesn't seem to be helping like previously, back to doctor next week.  I am feeling totally exhausted, I have no energy at all, beside my many trips to the bathroom, it's getting very depressing.  Now I'm concerned about if and when I do get a call for a job interview, how would I be able to hold down a job in this condition?  I do administrative work and to work in an office environment would be almost impossible, now what???  I push myself all the time, I HATE just sitting or lying around, I want to work, not just to earn a paycheck, but work at home, I love working around the house, I have a list that I really want to do, paint the fence, weed garden, pressure wash driveway, etc., but I just don't have the energy, this REALLY SUCKS.  

FPO groversm
Joined Aug 7, 2010

Thu, September 16, 2010 11:43 AM

 Reply posted for groversm.

Job- my answer is I do my best, I have lost jobs over IBD, and I have had to stop working recently due to my health.  It was not an easy decision, and It took a year of counseling and working through to come to.   I do think that everyone with IBD has a different path, experience, outlook.  I do think that we all - even our support network and caregivers- have to redefine our lives.  We may need to change not just what / how we eat, exercise, what risks we are willing to take..... how far from a bathroom we will go....
but also, I have had to redefine what is my life. what is my goal?  What is normal?  How to be happy with what I have? How to be flexible and roll with the punches of IBD?  It is a continual process.  What is today, and tomorrow may be different. 

FPO katya
Joined Sep 15, 2010

Sun, August 15, 2010 10:40 AM

 Reply posted for groversm.

when I was first diognosed with uc I did'nt think I could hold down a job. I was going to the bathroom about 15 times a day. I now work 40-60 hours a week all manual labor. I take a anti inflamatory med. and eat very strict diet. Over the past 3 years Iv'e figured out the foods that cause bleeding. All I drink is water and OJ in the morn. I eat no sweets or junk food, anything high in sugar. I stay away from chocholate nothing seems to bother my system more. I stay away from dairy I seem to tolerate swiss cheese. fried foods kill me. I also don't eat beef. If I don't cheat on this diet, I go to bathroom 2 or 3 times aday. much better than 15 

FPO wrongway
Joined Aug 15, 2010

Sun, August 15, 2010 10:24 AM

 Reply posted for groversm.

I also have had flareups. and the prednisone did not help the last time. Are you taking a antiinflamatory? that helps with me. I assume since you have been dealing with this for so many years. you watch what you eat. I stay away from all sugar.

FPO wrongway
Joined Aug 15, 2010

Wed, August 11, 2010 9:11 PM

 Reply posted for groversm.

And another thing........ Don't overdo it or push yourself when you shouldn't be because of people that do not understand your illness.  Direct them to learn about it by sending them to these forums.  They can read the stories for themselves.  

I have come to terms with the fact that some people, including family members, just won't get it. Period. You have to brush them off and take care of YOU.  No one else can do that besides you.  Don't feel guilty or ashamed... It's not your fault.

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Wed, August 11, 2010 9:04 PM

 Reply posted for groversm.

I have been diagnosed with Crohn's in October.  However, I've been sick and not working as of 2007.  I am now just beginning to feel better taking the Remicade.  I do have my days when I don't feel well though.  Most people, including my family do not understand the disease at all.  This is very frustrating to me because I am portrayed as being "lazy" or unmotivated.  

I am going to apply for disability and wish I had done this a while back.  People are getting approved/accepted with the Crohn's diagnosis and i'm sure if you look into it, they are for Colitis sufferers as well.  I do not beleive it's possible to work and do an efficient job when you are in the state that you are in.  In addition, how good is it for your body to push yourself when you just dont have it in you to do so.  

hope this helped you a little.  Feel better!

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Sat, August 07, 2010 6:37 PM

 Reply posted for groversm.

CONTINUATION - DEALING - My husband has a Harley and loves riding, I tell him all the time, not to worry about me, go out and have fun and he does.  And believe it or not, I really do mean it, I DO NOT want my husband and daughter to sit her and hold my hand, I want them to enjoy their lives.  I'm just feeling really depressed lately and sitting home alone with my 2 dogs and felt I needed to talk to someone, and came upon this Crohns & Colitis Community and started reading some of the forum and thought I see if there are others feeling like me.  Can anyone that has Colitis or Crohns tell me how do you hold down a job with this disease?   

FPO groversm
Joined Aug 7, 2010

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