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avoiding infection

Thu, August 12, 2010 12:00 AM

So I just got my ears pierced, and have been tossing around the idea of a tattoo for awhile now- my doctor is leary of it but he is definatly a no risk type of guy while me, I'm more of the don't be stupid but don't be paranoid type.

Anyways I've asked him about the tattoo before and he said no. I didnt ask him about the ears but this is my second time with a piercing, last time it didn't get infected too bad and  I never get bad infections even though I'm on Remicade and all that good stuff. I know I need to really be careful but I guess I need to do this kind of stuff too. (College student, kind of a crazy but yet responsible person) 

The only way I can tell my Remicade knocks my system out is that whenever a bad cold is going around I will for sure get it but it hits me harder than everyone else but it also works its course much faster too, sometimes 2 days in bed and I'm back to normal but otherwise nothing else.

Any bad infection expierences? Do I choose to do this stuff (which I have thought about these tattoos for 3 years now so its not a spur of the moment thing) and take the risk but not let my disease win on this one?

FPO rachj
Joined Jun 2, 2008

Thu, August 12, 2010 8:53 AM

 Reply posted for rachj.

First- I am a mother of young adults- please really think about the tatoo.  It is permenant.  Tats have a tendency to blur with age. 

Now, I will shake off the mom thing - I do not know alot about Remicade but here are some things to think about: 1. Does Remicade cause increased bleeding if you get a cut? 2. Does Remicade thin your skin or increase scarring? 3.  Is there any chance you will react to the pigments used? 4. Is the tat shop sterilizing and using new needles? The list can go on...



FPO breezy
Joined Jan 5, 2009

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