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all started from antibiotics

Mon, August 16, 2010 9:28 AM

I was diognosed with UC about 3 yrs ago. Prior to that I was on high dose of antibiotics and prednisone for about 6 weeks. I now know that antibiotics kill the good bacteria. I wish I knew that then. I'm just wondering if this is common.

FPO wrongway
Joined Aug 15, 2010

Wed, August 18, 2010 6:32 PM

 Reply posted for yell0wpanda.

reply to yellow panda

Do you still have the problem? Flagl or Vancomiycin should take care of the cdiff

FPO wrongway
Joined Aug 15, 2010

Wed, August 18, 2010 7:47 AM

 Reply posted for wrongway.

I can not take antibiotics now.  They throw me into the wonderful world of a Crohn's flare.  If I ever really really need them, I will opt to have them IV infused (bypassing my tummy to help with the nausea they cause) and I will pump my body full of probiotics.

Antibiotics have been overused.  They should always be taken with probiotics.  You need to take the probiotics on an empty stomach and at least 2 hours apart from the antibiotics.


FPO breezy
Joined Jan 5, 2009

Wed, August 18, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for wrongway.

I had a C section in June and my doctor thinks I got UC as a result of the antibiotics they gave me for the surgery.  His theory is that they killed the good bacteria but they didn't kill the C Diff which is common in hospitals and the inflamation is my body's reaction to the C Diff. 

Strange huh?

FPO yell0wpanda
Joined Aug 9, 2010

Tue, August 17, 2010 5:01 PM

 Reply posted for wrongway.

My daughter was on menicycle and amoxicillian for her acne (a few months on one antibiotic and a few months on the other) for almost 3 years from age 13-16.  When she stopped taking the anitbiotic's within about a week, she started with the blood in her poop and then got worse and worse and was finally diagnosed with UC about 2 months later.  Her new IBD specialist said lots of UC patients get "bacteria overgrowth" and probiotics seem to help.  My daughter is on a probiotic called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion which I found at Whole Foods (I also just bought it online too).  You have to keep it in the refrigerator.  She's also on Lialda and Azathioprine.  She also takes Women's One a Day Vitamin, Oscal and also watches her diet.  No junk foods, processed foods, fast foods, foods with additives and added sugars.  

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

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