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Anyone on SCD experience extremely dry mouth?

Thu, August 26, 2010 2:07 PM

I have been on SCD for a week and have noticed since Sunday my mouth is EXTREMELY dry (and I drink the standard 8 glasses of water a day)  I was trying to use a sort of logic to figure out why I don't seem to have much saliva (saliva contains salivary amylase to digest starches and sugars....I'm not eating any starch and very little sugar other than fruit...maybe my body cut back on it...yeah, well I'm not a scientist ha ha.) 

I also have a partial obstruction so maybe it is making me dehydrated????  Argh I can't wait until my gut heals itself!  I'd like to see if I am feeling better on the diet but there's no way to tell until this obstruction gets cleared up!

FPO rweiser
Joined Sep 27, 2008

Fri, September 17, 2010 4:00 PM

 Reply posted for rweiser.

Well I finally started manufacturing saliva again a week ago and my tongue started to heal up (how WEIRD!!!)  However, I am experiencing it again because I had to ingest barium sulfate the other day for a CT-E scan which I am sure had sugar in it b/c I have been feeling the old symptoms again.  Today started with the dry mouth again.  Good to know sticking to the diet will take care of things!!!!  I have now been on the diet almost a month and I am a believer. 

Still need to figure out how to get all my nutrients in, since my stomach still can't hold much food.  Started making vegetable juice but that is slow going b/c my system doesn't tolerate too much at one time yet.  Started drinking barley grass in the mornings and a probiotic at night.  I don't much care for coconut oil so I will look for a supplement of it instead of cooking with it.

FPO rweiser
Joined Sep 27, 2008

Tue, September 14, 2010 7:54 PM

 Reply posted for rweiser.

Yes! I have been on the SCD diet for 2 weeks today and I have noticed that my mouth is incredibly dry even though I, like you, drink tons of water all day long. I never linked it with the SCD diet until I read your post, but maybe it does have something to do with the change in my eating habits.

By the way, eating the SCD way for the past 2 weeks has made me feel soooo much better so don't get frustrated, I am a recent convert and now I'm a believer!

FPO marci1969
Joined Aug 19, 2010

Mon, August 30, 2010 3:26 PM

 Reply posted for rweiser.

You might want to get tested for Sjogrens. It's in the arthritis family. I have not done the SCD diet, but was diagnosed with Sjogrens a couple years after my crohns diagnosis. I have the dry mouth when my crohns flares, mostly at night I notice it. You can also have dry eyes, etc. although I never experienced the other possible side effects. When needed a take a pill at night that helps. Good luck.

FPO crohnsmommy
Joined Jun 19, 2008

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