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UC diagnosed after heavy training

Thu, August 26, 2010 8:42 PM

I recently read a personal story about a man who was diagnosed with IBD after running his first marathon. I was diagnosed with UC shortly after training for my first 1/2 marathon and intensive training for triathlons. I am curious if anyone else has had similar experiences.

FPO cclovell
Joined May 19, 2010

Fri, September 17, 2010 11:58 AM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

alanschachter: I'd like to know where you get your data from. Re:  The cause comes from the impact of eating foods high in lectins (grains, legumes, beans) over time. The cause of UC is unknown at this time.

cclovell: Watch out when you read posts. You're best bet for a factual response would be from your health care provider.

FPO partlycrazy
Joined Sep 17, 2010

Fri, September 03, 2010 7:35 AM

 Reply posted for cclovell.

Since IBD most often starts in younger age groups and since younger people are often physically active, it would make sense that some people would have a first flare around the time of an athletic event. While I understand very intense exercise over long periods of time may have some temporary effect on the immune system, I don't think we can draw the conclusion that being diagnosed with IBD has to do with an athletic event. It sure would be nice to know what does get things started however.

FPO titan1
Joined Sep 1, 2008

Wed, September 01, 2010 10:31 PM

 Reply posted for cclovell.

This is just a thought, another way to look at this. I am very sick. I have three chronic health conditions. Sometimes I'll feel pretty good and start doing more than I usually do and get knocked flat on my back. In other words you don't know how sick you are until you physically exert yourself, put your body under physical stress. Other times I'll feel good and start to do something physical and be alright. You are always trying to figure out what possibly caused something, what brought it on. It is a guessing game. It is kind of like running your car in the drive way and then taking it out for a test run. Hope this helps.


FPO joe
Joined Oct 24, 2019

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