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Clothing Issues for those with Colostomies/Ileostomies

Sat, September 11, 2010 11:36 AM

Hi- I have Crohns and an ileostomy.  I have so much trouble wearing 'normal' clothes especially jeans and trousers - I have a closet full of jeans that seem to be just perfect on the day when I try them on in the store but soon enough they have all caused pain, discomfort or leakages in terms of my ileostomy.
A good friend of mine is a very talented dressmaker and seamstress and is very interested in helping me and others back into wearing the clothes that we want to wear.  So...... I wonder if anyone out there who has similar issues would be kind enough to share their stories with us.  We're trying to get a handle on whether I alone am experiencing this or if it is more widespread.  We would love to hear the problems you've been having......have you given up wearing a certain type of clothing because of similar experiences to myself and what sort of specific problems you've been having.    So, fellow ostomates (both male and female please),  post your stories here and help us to help you recapture your wardrobes!!
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and hope to hear from you soon!!

FPO cazicus
Joined Sep 11, 2010

Tue, September 14, 2010 3:32 PM

 Reply posted for cazicus.

Great post - thanks for asking! I have an ileostomy from Crohn's and clothes are probably the worst part of the whole process (including surgery and recovery!!) My stoma is high up on my left side...and almost even with my stupid waist line. I am not a thin person and i have a big butt so I always wore my stylish jeans a little higher - on my waistline. I can not wear the low riders- never could because all you would see is crack. Zana-di jeans were always my fav. Anyway, I have given up regular jeans. I have to get the awful ones with elastic for a waist! and they have to be built high enough to sit just over my stoma site.

FPO heidiferg
Joined Aug 18, 2008

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