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Fri, June 06, 2008 10:59 PM

Does anyone ever suffer from anxiety right before or during a flair up?
I have noticed that the fatigue always hits and  anxiety is soon to follow right before a flair up. How do you deal?

FPO pointguard32
Joined Apr 22, 2008

Mon, August 11, 2008 4:28 PM

 Reply posted for pembroke.

Just noticed what your pic was.  That's great and oh so true, tp is like a cheese gratter for sure.

FPO pjhuber
Joined Aug 11, 2008

Fri, August 08, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

without a doubt as so many others have pointed out anxiety and ibd are bedmates. i'm not sure if the anxiety aggrivates my crohn's, or if my crohn's symptoms cause me anxiety, but its there. when i start to feel symptomatic i want to look normal to everyone around me still even when i feel like i have a dagger in my gut and i can feel the sweat beading on my forehead. or i will miss out on something i was looking forward to. *** just the lack of sleep sometimes and working with doctors is enough to elevate someone's anxiety sometimes. my coping strategy: try to accomplish some goals i have which aren't hindered by my mobility, fatigue, or mood. i'll dive into a term paper, do some research, or just play some videogames. anything i can still do when symptomatic and that might make me feel better about myself upon completion, that sense of accomplishment has helped me a lot. i live alone at college, but i also have a pet dog which i'm sure has helped me feel a little more relaxed and keeps my mind off my gut for a little.

FPO wright42
Joined Aug 8, 2008

Tue, August 05, 2008 7:52 PM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

Did any of you have an anxiety disorder before the disease?  Do you think anxiety can cause crohn's?  I've had an anxiety disorder for years and was just diagnosed with crohn's in the last three months.  Others think this is related, what do you guys think and what are your personal experiences?

FPO tdheather
Joined Aug 3, 2008

Thu, July 03, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

 Yes, always. I start thinking negative thoughts of having colon cancer. Especially when I read of someone else on another forum being diagnosed with colon cancer and mentioning the signs of colon cancer and them being diarrhea or constipation, gas pain, bloating, etc. I then automatically start thinking I have colon cancer.

Here was what they posted as to symptoms. Here are some symptoms of colon cancer:

The most common symptom of colorectal cancer is no symptom at all - that is why it is critical that everyone get screened even if they don't think anything is wrong. If you are having symptoms, you must get tested!

  • the most common symptom is no symptom at all
  • change in bowel habits (diarrhea and/or constipation, narrow stools)
  • unexplained weight loss, vomiting
  • anemia, lack of energy
  • blood (often not visible) in stool or from rectum
  • abdominal pain/discomfort (gas, bloating, cramps, feeling that bowel does not empty)

And this terrified me and my anxiety and symptoms have been worse since reading this. This last symptom really scares me. And I have no Xanax and no doctor will give me any. I am forced to use a prescription of Hydroxyzine 50mg which is also given as an anti-anxiety med aside from just for allergies.

These relax me and make me have an I don't care attitude.


FPO flareornot
Joined Jul 3, 2008

Fri, June 20, 2008 9:56 PM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

Anxiety was a problem of mine before I developed UC.  The method for dealing I'm currently using is meditation.  I bought a good CD from "Borders" that is geared towards meditative healing.  I listen to the music and focus on healing my large intestine.  I've noticed that with good concentration I almost feel like I can calm my insides down a bit.  I'm hopeful with more practice I can use meditation and a focus on healing to improve my overall condition.

FPO ksugolfer
Joined Jun 20, 2008

Fri, June 20, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

i have had crohns for 45 years and yogo and meditation will help this. Mind over body. Don't focus on the pain, focus on something beautiful. You must understand what stress and aniexty is to overcome it.

FPO jack1560
Joined Jun 20, 2008

Thu, June 12, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kimhg.

The buble bath and some good R&R time did the trick!


Im just glad im no the only one.!

FPO pointguard32
Joined Apr 22, 2008

Thu, June 12, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.


I have anxiety attacks during a flare and after,  Lorazapam has helped me, still take it daily.  Good luck feel better soon.



FPO littlestar
Joined Jul 26, 2008

Wed, June 11, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

You don't have to deal with anxiety all on your own.  Xanax helped me.  Still does.  Hang in there. 

FPO lynsmith
Joined Jun 11, 2008

Wed, June 11, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

I agree with the other post.....that anxiety and the disease go hand in hand.  I think with the pain and the fatigue and the general feeling of being unwell would cause anyone to have anxiety.  I know that there are meds your' dr can prescribe to help you if you think it is too much to handle on your' own.  As for me I find that a hot bath and some quiet time help me or just finding things to do that help to take it off my mind even if for only a few moments help.  I think as time goes by you find coping skills that you never even knew you had. 

FPO kimhg
Joined Mar 21, 2008

Sun, June 08, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for pointguard32.

Yes, I think anxiety and the disease go hand in hand.

FPO pembroke
Joined Jun 1, 2008

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