Hello, all. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in May of this year. I have been experiencing extreme upper GI pain, and by doc has ordered an urgent upper endoscopy. I am very nervous about the procedure. I have had 3 in my lifetime (I am 23 years old). 2 of them were when I was very young. I was given a drug called Versed, and I do not remember the experiences. However, I became extremely agitated on the second procedure, and I have to list Versed as an allergy now. When I had my last scope (I was 16) I was not given the common sedative (Versed, which often destroys your memory of the event) and was instead given lorazepam. The experience was horrible! I have panic attacks often and cannot relax during the procedure, which makes it very uncomfortable (I'm sure it would be better if I could relax). I am unable to talk to my doctor, and they are calling me to schedule it tomorrow within the next few days. I am concerned that they may not be aware of my adverse reaction to Versed, and that instead they will choose to not sedate me. Now I am having panic attacks thinking about it, and I can't seem to relax. Has anyone else had an upper GI scope and used another form of sedation? I know that most often the colonoscopies are performed using stronger sedation (often complete sedation with propofol) but I believe I need to be mostly conscious for the upper scope.