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sooo agrivated!!!

Sat, June 21, 2008 12:00 AM

Hi everyone, I'm 24 and I've had ulcerative colitis for almost 8 fun filled yrs. I feel lately like every time I make plans to go out with friends I end up getting sick and have to cancel my plans.  It's so aggrivating and after 8 yrs. I'm just so sick of dealing with it. I usually have a pretty positive attitude about things especially having u.c. because I know I can't make it go away so I try to make the best of it.  However, I feel like I'm kinda in a rut right now and because of the 6mp I tend to get infections very easily which is jsut the icing on the cake. I guess I'm just looking to be able to relate to someone about this. Thanks for listening!

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Tue, August 05, 2008 3:29 PM

 Reply posted for Sonya.

Sonya,  I am new here and I have a Question.... What happened that your sister wasn't able to take the MP6.  Did she have adverse side effects?  And what do you mean isolation???  I am really nervous about going on MP6.


FPO grammycarol
Joined Aug 3, 2008

Sun, July 13, 2008 10:53 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Hi.  In one week it will be one year since I  was diagnosed with CD.  I'm 28.  I was admitted to the hospital on a Friday night after the CT scan showed 3 abscesses near my terminal illeum, which the dr. said was indicative of CD.  After a colonoscopy and an Upper GI x-ray w/ small bowel follow, I was sent to my room to wait for further doctor's orders.  I didn't hear anything until the next day when the dr. okayed my discharge.  I don't know if it was because I was able to keep down some eggs and toast or if it's b/c I begged him to let me out since it was my husband's and mine 3rd wedding anniversay. 

My freedom lasted a week and a half then I was admitted again.  I was told I'd be in there "a couple of days" since the abscess had to be drained.  Five days passed and I was still in the hospital for the night of sister's bachelorette party. Seven more days passed and I was finally discharged the night before her wedding in Wildwood, NJ.  I left with a PICC line in my arm and rather than being able to eat the feast at Urie's, I received my TPN feast through the IV. 

I got a quick lesson on how Crohn's can be disruptive to plans.  As corny as it sounds, positive thinking will help get you through the times when you're left behind.  After the wedding, my sister had a "recently married party" at a comedy show to make up for the bachelorette party that I missed.  This summer I got to feast on the food at Urie's with my husband and in-laws.  That same sister just delivered birth to her first daughter.  My husband and I plan on having a child by the time I turn 30.  Until I get off these steroids, that'll be on hold.  Hopefully this "little while" that my doctor talks about doesn't turn into "a couple years."

My personal saying: Beyond every storm cloud is a clear sky.

Take care,


FPO jenb2004
Joined Sep 6, 2008

Wed, June 25, 2008 10:06 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Hi Sarah,

Wow, 8 fun filled years...    I had severe Crohn's for 10 years and then had Ostomy Surgery 20 years ago.  I am one of the lucky ones that have been symptom free for almost 20 years.  I have recently been looking at  possible PTSD from all those years of suffering.

When I was suffering, I always wished for a way to connect with others that understood my plight.  While it can't replace prudent medical management with a Doctor you trust and respect ( and who respects you ) I think that the community that these message boards gives us is valuable on so many levels.

I relate to the close ones in our lives not understanding what we are going through and even giving us a little grief about not being there for them.  It is my belief that they don't understand the magnitude of the effect of this lack of empathy and understanding.

No one who hasn't personally experienced the challenges of these conditions can ever understand.

Please stay connected.  Post to others as well as continue your own posts.  I really believe that the amount of help this community has to offer is invaluable.

Please feel free to email me if you want to at



FPO nycivan
Joined Jun 19, 2008

Wed, June 25, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Everyone on here is gonna think I am working for Remicade pretty soon, lol. 

My daughter has UC and has for 2+ years now and she takes remicade and is symptom free, is that an option for you?  She also didn't do well on 6MP.  She did go through period of isolation but is doing well now.

Hope you feel better soon, I know how hard this is everyday.  I am also an advocate of second opinions especially after 8 years maybe you need a new perspecitve?

Take CAre


FPO sonya
Joined Jan 13, 2009

Sun, June 22, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for jg3393.

thanks so much for the support everyone! I'm glad I have ppl to relate to on this site

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Sun, June 22, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

HI Sarah,

I have just joined this site to vent my frustrations w/ my Crohn's Disease. I think just about everyone with your disease goes through the same thing. I believe  your friends would really understand and be compassionate if they knew everything about your disease. Ignorance is there bliss.

You are not alone. I'm here if you need to write. It is the same reason why I have joined. People really DO NOT understand what we go through. Do whatever you need to boost your self esteem and get out and conquer the world!



FPO jg3393
Joined Jun 22, 2008

Sun, June 22, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Hi Sarah,

I can relate.  I have CD and I have had alot of problems going out.  I developed my CD when I was 9 years old (I am now 28) but was not diagnosed until this year.  My previous GI diagnosed me with IBS (--wrong!)  Anyway, When I was younger, I would not go out with my friends, I did not go visit relatives because I was always afraid of having an accident.  I lost just about all my friends and my relatives thought I hated them and was being anti-social.  At the time, I did not know what was wrong so I could not say anything.

I have found ways of dealing with it, like when I go out with friends, I drive myself and meet up with them.  That way if I have to stop, I can stop without having to explain to someone.  I also give myself plenty of time before going out in the event that I need to hit the bathroom a few times.  It seems to work.  I also know where the bathrooms are located in my favorite establishments.




FPO dvm2008
Joined Jun 22, 2008

Sat, June 21, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.


Sorry your going to miss your plans with friends.  I know this disease can be very isolating.  I am so glad they have this site now, it helps to combat some of the isolation.  I hope your friends realize that you would be there if you could.  Best wishes

FPO amberrae2
Joined Jun 21, 2008

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