I experience high stress and anxiety levels every since Ive been diagnosed back in 08. Every time Im anxious or stressed my UC flares up. Is there a better way to handle this? Do these things correlate? Ive been experiencing hair loss as well. Can we stop this? Is their a diet plan to help? Ive noticed when I drink water and eat better and work out things are better for me as far as health.
Reply posted for victoriawhitt.
Thank you so much for the advice! Im going to apply this and see how it works. I figured this correlated.
Reply posted for mtay102.
In my opinion the answer is yes. Each time my Crohn's has flared, there has been a stressful event in my life.
Crohn's is a package deal. Mind, body and soul. Keeping those three in balance is a trick and if done well, my life is manageable living with crohn's.
My musts- keep work at work, home at home, keep it simple and don't look at the whole picture, but instead take it like a book, a chapter at a time.
Mind- positive.
Body, diet - bland.
Soul, my higher power- Jesus Christ.
This is what has helped me living with crohn's for the past 30+ years.
Good luck and God bless,
Reply posted for phdragonfly.
It's not what you ate, it's the fact that you have Crohn's. I've been driving myself nuts for years - I did the same thing Friday. I threw up all night long. I wracked my brain: "What did I eat? What did I do wrong?!" Then I remembered, for the thousandth time, it's not what I ate or did, it's the fact that I have Crohn's.
I'm not saying don't try things, and do things that seem to help. I've tried a million things. And I do so many things, jic they might be doing me some good. But trust me, it's not you or what you ate. Don't be hard on yourself, and try not to go nuts, bc it's a simple answer: it's the disease.
Reply posted for mtay102.
On the web,are several diets.