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Wed, July 02, 2008 12:00 AM

I have been in pain for months now. It seems the meds are not working. I cry everyday all day. I take 4000mg of pentasa 1000mg flagel 15mg entocort 150mg of snythroid,calcium,potasium and iron pills daily. My daughter is 11 yrs old and my son is 21. They ar4 a big help, but I am the mom and I can't be the mom in pain....Just needed to get that off my chest

FPO sswepson
Joined Jul 1, 2008

Sun, August 17, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for wrknout247.

well i just started taking humira on friday...the starter hurt really bad...i was on remicade for 6 years and it has stopped working as well...i am so angry about having to take these medicines...but it's nice to hear you say that humira has really worked for you! do the shots hurt you very bad? i only did it in my i didn't know if it was better in the stomach?! well anyway, thanks for your comment! i hope humira works for me and that i can stand the pain of the shots! 

FPO stepho24
Joined Aug 15, 2008

Sat, August 16, 2008 11:13 AM

 Reply posted for sswepson.

I am sorry to hear things arent going well.  i am a seventeen year old boy with crohn's and i know for a fact the only thing that has been keeping my crohn's under control is Humira.  I know if you read about the side effects it might seem scary but honestly it helps you.  i currently take shots every two weeks and i can feel the stuff right after i take it i feel perfect, and later on into the second week before another shot i feel it weraing off (more bowel movements). you should talk to your doctor about either Humira or Remicade. Friends that i have talked to its the only thing that helps them too. If you feel comfortable enough to give yourself shots talk to your GI about Humira or if not the Remicade infusion at the hospital can do the same thing for you.  Hope all gets better. Good Luck 

FPO wrknout247
Joined Aug 15, 2008

Tue, July 22, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for sswepson.


I can totally symapthize. I've been in pain for the last few months too- it's really hard to get up in the morning when you know you're just going to be back in bed moaning and groaning in pain in a few hours!

What are you taking for pain medication? My doctor prescribed me Vicodin, for when the pain is unbearable. It helps, but one of the side effects is constipation. So, you pick your poison, I guess. But sometimes I'd rather deal with constipation than pain!

Also, have you tried a heating pad? Sometimes that helps me.

Good luck,

FPO krones1066
Joined Jul 17, 2008

Wed, July 16, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for sswepson.

I am very sorry that you are not doing well, has your doctor talked to you about other medications, it seems the ones you are on are not doing the trick. He or she needs to find the right coctail of meds for you, What about Imuran, 6mp, Pentasa, Remicade, Humira?. there are do many others out there.  I feel for you I do know what it is like to be in pain all the time and try to hold a job and a household, as my job just let me go, stating do to my illiness and possible absentieism they can no longer work with me.  I have had Crohns now for 33years and it can be a very trying disease.  I hope you are on an upswing, I will put you and your family in my Prayers.


FPO littlestar
Joined Jul 26, 2008

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